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Source code for the paper "IMED-RL: Regret optimal learning of ergodic Markov decision processes" - NeurIPS 2022


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IMED-RL paper: How to run the code

You can run our code by running python3 from within the main directory called average-reward-reinforcement-learning. This will fill the directory ./experiments/results with plots and dump files that can be interpreted.

Installing requirements

Depending on preferences, both a requirements.txt file and a file are given.

Algorithms and Environments

Within the you can decide the environment by uncommenting the one you want to test, decide the time horizon and the number of replicates. You can also decide to comment/uncomment available algorithms.

Windows system

If your system is Windows, please go to the ./experiments/ file, comment the line 14 and uncomment the line 13. Then you can proceed as usual.


Be aware that this code will run on as much cores as there are available.

IMED-RL main code

The code of IMED-RL is located, starting from average-reward-reinforcement-learning at average-reward-reinforcement-learning/learners/discreteMDPs/

The file is reproduced below:

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
from learners.discreteMDPs.utils import *
from learners.discreteMDPs.AgentInterface import Agent

def randamax(v, t=None, i=None):
    V: array of values
    T: array used to break ties
    I: array of indices from which we should return an amax
    if i is None:
        idxs = np.where(v == np.amax(v))[0]
        if t is None:
            idx = np.random.choice(idxs)
            assert len(v) == len(t), f"Lengths should match: len(v)={len(v)} - len(t)={len(t)}"
            t_idxs = np.where(t[idxs] == np.amin(t[idxs]))[0]
            t_idxs = np.random.choice(t_idxs)
            idx = idxs[t_idxs]
        idxs = np.where(v[i] == np.amax(v[i]))[0]
        if t is None:
            idx = i[np.random.choice(idxs)]
            assert len(v) == len(t), f"Lengths should match: len(v)={len(v)} - len(t)={len(t)}"
            t = t[i]
            t_idxs = np.where(t[idxs] == np.amin(t[idxs]))[0]
            t_idxs = np.random.choice(t_idxs)
            idx = i[idxs[t_idxs]]
    return idx

def randamin(v, t=None, i=None):
    v: array of values
    t: array used to break ties
    i: array of indices from which we should return an amin
    if i is None:
        idxs = np.where(v == np.amin(v))[0]
        if t is None:
            idx = np.random.choice(idxs)
            assert len(v) == len(t), f"Lengths should match: len(v)={len(v)} - len(t)={len(t)}"
            t_idxs = np.where(t[idxs] == np.amin(t[idxs]))[0]
            t_idxs = np.random.choice(t_idxs)
            idx = idxs[t_idxs]
        idxs = np.where(v[i] == np.amin(v[i]))[0]
        if t is None:
            idx = i[np.random.choice(idxs)]
            assert len(v) == len(t), f"Lengths should match: len(v)={len(v)} - len(t)={len(t)}"
            t = t[i]
            t_idxs = np.where(t[idxs] == np.amin(t[idxs]))[0]
            t_idxs = np.random.choice(t_idxs)
            idx = i[idxs[t_idxs]]
    return idx

class IRL(Agent):
    def __init__(self, nbr_states, nbr_actions, name="IMED-RL",
                 max_iter=3000, epsilon=1e-3, max_reward=1):
        Agent.__init__(self, nbr_states, nbr_actions, name=name)
        self.nS = nbr_states
        self.nA = nbr_actions
        self.dirac = np.eye(self.nS, dtype=int)
        self.actions = np.arange(self.nA, dtype=int)
        self.max_iteration = max_iter
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.max_reward = max_reward

        # Empirical estimates
        self.state_action_pulls = np.zeros((self.nS, self.nA), dtype=int)
        self.state_visits = np.zeros(self.nS, dtype=int)
        self.rewards = np.zeros((self.nS, self.nA)) + 0.5
        self.transitions = np.ones((self.nS, self.nA, self.nS)) / self.nS
        self.all_selected = np.zeros(self.nS, dtype=bool)
        self.phi = np.zeros(self.nS)
        self.skeleton = {s: np.arange(self.nA, dtype=int) for s in range(self.nS)}
        self.index = np.zeros(self.nA)
        self.rewards_distributions = {s: {a: {} for a in range(self.nA)} for s in range(self.nS)}

        self.s = None

    def reset(self, state):
        self.state_action_pulls = np.zeros((self.nS, self.nA), dtype=int)
        self.state_visits = np.zeros(self.nS, dtype=int)
        self.rewards = np.zeros((self.nS, self.nA)) + 0.5
        self.transitions = np.ones((self.nS, self.nA, self.nS)) / self.nS
        self.all_selected = np.zeros(self.nS, dtype=bool)
        self.phi = np.zeros(self.nS)
        self.skeleton = {s: np.arange(self.nA, dtype=int) for s in range(self.nS)}
        self.index = np.zeros(self.nA)
        self.rewards_distributions = {s: {a: {1: 0, 0.5: 1} for a in range(self.nA)} for s in range(self.nS)}

        self.s = state

    def value_iteration(self):
        ctr = 0
        stop = False
        phi = np.copy(self.phi)
        phip = np.copy(self.phi)
        while not stop:
            ctr += 1
            for state in range(self.nS):
                u = - np.inf
                for action in self.skeleton[state]:
                    psa = self.transitions[state, action]
                    rsa = self.rewards[state, action]
                    u = max(u, rsa + psa @ phi)
                phip[state] = u
            phip = phip - np.min(phip)
            delta = np.max(np.abs(phi - phip))
            phi = np.copy(phip)
            stop = (delta < self.epsilon) or (ctr >= self.max_iteration)
        self.phi = np.copy(phi)

    def update(self, state, action, reward, observation):
        na = self.state_action_pulls[state, action]
        ns = self.state_visits[state]
        r = self.rewards[state, action]
        p = self.transitions[state, action]

        self.state_action_pulls[state, action] = na + 1
        self.state_visits[state] = ns + 1
        self.rewards[state, action] = ((na + 1) * r + reward) / (na + 2)
        self.transitions[state, action] = ((na + 1) * p + self.dirac[observation]) / (na + 2)

        if reward in self.rewards_distributions[state][action].keys():
            self.rewards_distributions[state][action][reward] += 1
            self.rewards_distributions[state][action][reward] = 1

        max_na = np.max(self.state_action_pulls[state])
        mask = self.state_action_pulls[state] >= np.log(max_na)**2
        self.skeleton[state] = self.actions[mask]

        self.s = observation

        if not self.all_selected[state]:
            self.all_selected[state] = np.all(self.state_action_pulls[state] > 0)

    def multinomial_imed(self, state):
        upper_bound = self.max_reward + np.max(self.phi)
        q = self.rewards[state] + self.transitions[state] @ self.phi
        mu = np.max(q)
        u = upper_bound / (upper_bound - mu) - 1e-2

        for a in range(self.nA):
            if q[a] >= mu:
                self.index[a] = np.log(self.state_action_pulls[state, a])
                r_d = self.rewards_distributions[state][a]
                vr = np.fromiter(r_d.keys(), dtype=float)
                pr = np.fromiter(r_d.values(), dtype=float)
                pr = pr / pr.sum()

                pt = self.transitions[state][a]

                p = np.zeros(len(pr)*self.nS)
                v = np.zeros(len(pr)*self.nS)
                k = 0
                for i in range(self.nS):
                    for j in range(len(pr)):
                        p[k] = pt[i]*pr[j]
                        v[k] = self.phi[i] + vr[j]
                        k += 1

                delta = v - mu

                h = lambda x: - np.sum(p * np.log(upper_bound - delta*x))

                res = minimize_scalar(h, bounds=(0, u), method='bounded')
                x = -
                n = self.state_action_pulls[state, a]
                self.index[a] = n * x + np.log(x)

    def play(self, state):
        if not self.all_selected[state]:
            action = randamin(self.state_action_pulls[state])
            action = randamin(self.index)
        return action


Source code for the paper "IMED-RL: Regret optimal learning of ergodic Markov decision processes" - NeurIPS 2022







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