A to-do-list web app that will
- Allow you to organise your lists by adding cards for each section, i.e. shopping list, monday, morning routine
- should be able to click on the text for each item
E0 Short story E1 Story E3 Long Story E5 Extra Long story
- Get comfortable with testing.
- Work well in a project that was completely remote
- Use CSS grid successfully
- get to grips with testing!
- Understand what I need to do as scrum master
- Add tasks to a list so that I can keep track of them
- Check things off my list so that I can see what I’ve done
- Delete things from the list if I don’t need to do them anymore
- As a motor-impaired user, I want to:
- Use all the features of the app without a mouse
- User can Add and remove cards to organise their to-do lists
- Filter out completed to-dos from my list so that I can focus on what's left to do
- A working to-do list
- Tests for (at least) each user story
- A responsive, mobile-first design
- Ensure your app is accessible to as many different users as possible
- CSS Grid, this weeks reading https://css-tricks.com/responsive-grid-magazine-layout-in-just-20-lines-of-css/
- CSS Grid