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Successor of ros_type_introspection for ROS2.
It allows the user to convert a ROS2 message into a vector of (string/value) pairs, even if its type is not known at compilation-time.
It leverages the nice work done by other people, in particular Fast-CDR and rosbag2.
Typical usage:
// you want to deserialize this:
// rmw_serialized_message_t* serialized_message;
Ros2Introspection::Parser parser;
// register **once** your type
parser.registerMessageType("imu", "sensor_msgs/Imu");
Ros2Introspection::FlatMessage flat_msg;
unsigned max_array_size = 100;
parser.deserializeIntoFlatMessage("imu", serialized_msg, &flat_msg, max_array_size);
// you can show the entire content of the message as a list of key-values
for(const auto& pair: flat_msg.values)
std::cout << pair.first.toStdString() << " = " << pair.second << std::endl;
for(const auto& pair: flat_msg.strings)
std::cout << pair.first.toStdString() << " = " << pair.second << std::endl;