This is the repo for the logging system. PoC as of today
Starting everything should be fairly easy, after setting the required environment variables in a .env file (examples shown in .env.sample) run the following command
docker-compose up
The process should go through a set up stage, where it generates certificates and other things, and afterwards everything should start, if this is the first time ever starting the service and there are no volumes or previous data available remember to run
docker cp elasticstack_docker-es01-1:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/ca/ca.crt YOUR/PATH/HERE/
Otherwise retrieve the cert from the secret manager with your API keys or through the UI (if possible).
You will need the ca.crt file for every single request
Testing that everything is up and running should be easy, just run
curl --cacert /tmp/ca.crt -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://ELASTIC_URL:ELASTIC_PORT