blog of failures that led to success
available at:
# add submodule for theme
git submodule add themes/ananke
# if themes/ananke is empty you may need to initialize the submodule
git submodule update --init
To run during writing
make run
# hugo --watch server --buildFuture --buildDrafts
Run with a new in progress theme
make run-new-theme
# OR
make run-new-theme-no-layout
# hugo --watch server --buildFuture --buildDrafts --themesDir=../..
- actual content for ReactConfAU
- actual content for RubyConfAU
- finish off DevFest Melbourne 2019
- finish off DDD Melbourne 2019
- finish off RubyConf USA 2019
- extract "speaking" overview template to use in other places
- fix up all the existing "speaking" presentations
- tmux dev vs. dev SmackDown
- styling of blog posts
- clean up the front page
- flip the header image to Selena & Michael
- the rest of TheRailsCampProject