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Sub command: Database

Faisal Ali edited this page Feb 29, 2020 · 7 revisions


The database sub command is used to mock the data at database level, it also have option to create a demo database.

Short Hand: The short hand of the database subcommand is d


The usage of database subcommand is

[gpadmin@gpdb-m ~]$ mock database --help
Creates a fake tables mimicking a real life database & also can mock the whole database

  mock database [flags]

  database, d

  -c, --create-db       Create fake tables mimicking a real life database
  -f, --full-database   Fake all the tables in the database with fake data
  -h, --help            help for database

Global Flags:
  -a, --address string    Hostname where the postgres database lives
  -d, --database string   Database to mock the data (default "gpadmin")
  -q, --dont-prompt       Run without asking for confirmation
  -i, --ignore            Ignore checking and fixing constraints
  -w, --password string   Password for the user to connect to database
  -p, --port int          Port number of the postgres database (default 3000)
  -r, --rows int          Total rows to be faked or mocked (default 10)
  -u, --username string   Username to connect to the database
  -v, --verbose           Enable verbose or debug logging


  • To create a demo database

      mock database --create-db  
      mock d -c


    If you are interested, check out this repo for more demo databases. You can use a query like below to quickly load a demo postgres database objects

     curl<TEMPLATE>/schema.sql | psql -d <DATABASE> ....<FLAGS>

    for eg

    curl | psql -U postgres -d testme
  • To create a demo database and fake data on all the table created by the --create-db flag and also table that exists on the DB

      mock database --create-db --full-database 
      mock d -c -f


  • To fake data on all the table in the DB

      mock database --full-database 
      mock d -f


  • To fake data on all the table in the DB with 100 rows

      mock database --full-database --rows 100
      mock d -f -r 100


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