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Liboizys is a interprocess communication library based on boost asio. It provides a simple to use WebSocket-like API.

liboizys is optimized for usage in single thread environments. If you plan to use liboizys in a multithreaded environment, make sure that send is invoked from within the same thread that runs the assiciated asio::io_context.


The core of liboizys is the session interface:

class session_i
    virtual ~session_i() = default;
    virtual void send(std::string const & message) = 0;
    virtual void set_onclose(close_handler handler) = 0;
    virtual void set_onmessage(message_handler handler) = 0;
    virtual void close() = 0;

An instance of a session can be created using the create_session method:

boost::asio::io_context context;
boost::asio::local::stream_protocol::socket sock(context);

// ToDo: Connect socket

auto session = oizys::create_session(std::move(sock));

The API is resembles the widly used WebSocket API:

  • the send method is used to send messages to a connected peer
  • the set_onmessage method is used to register a handler that is called whenever a message is received
  • the close method is used to close the session
  • the set_onclose method is used to register a handler that is called when the session is closed

Whenever an error occurs the session is closed.

The WebSocket API also specifies an onerror handler, which is not available in liboizys. Since each error leads to closing the session, this handler is omitted. The error code is instead provided to the close handler.


Liboizys uses a simple binary protocol to transfer a series of messages between the connected peers. Each message contains a 4 byte header and the actual content of the message.


The header consists of a reserved byte and three bytes that encode the length of the message in network byte order (big endian).

Message Content

Binary content of the message.


  • Messages without contents are prohibited and must not be transferred
  • The max. message size is 16MByte - 1 byte (16777215 bytes)


Hi -> 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 'H' 'i'

foo -> 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x03 'f' 'o' 'o'


  • The library is optimized for usage in single threaded environment.
    When used in a multithreaded environment, make sure to call send only from within the same thread that runs the asio::io_context.
  • A message_handler should always be set in order to detect a closed connection early.
    When a message_handler is set, the session is put into read mode. When the peer closes the connection, a pending read will immediatly return and the close handler is invoked.
  • All handlers are removed when the session is closed.
    Be prepared that all message handlers are removed when a session is closed. You should no access any variable captured by a close_handler after close is called.
  • Finish of send cannot be detected.
    The API does not allow to detect when a message is send nor when it is delivered to the peer.

Build and Install

cmake -B build
cmake --build build
sudo cmake --install build

CMake Options

Option Default Description
WITHOUT_TEST OFF Disables unit tests
WITHOUT_EXAMPLES OFF Disabled examples


To enable code coverage, use CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Coverage:

cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Coverage

Afterwards, coverage of unit tests can be created using coverage-report build target:

cmake --build build --target coverage-report


Test dependencies:

Code coverage dependencies:

Examples dependencies:
