This is a mini social project. You can add friends, edit personal profile, upload image, post your daily life, comment to posts, search users, and check whether friend is online
NOTICE: This project using remote database (RDS) and AWS S3 for images store. If you want to run in local, you must configure some files.
change db.php file, modify
according to your own database. -
change controller/photo-action file, modify
to set all pictures stored in img folder. delete following code:try{ //upload to S3 $result = $client->putObject(array( 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $imagename, 'Body' => fopen($_FILES['uploadimage']['tmp_name'], 'r+'), 'options' => [ 'scheme' => 'http', ], )); } catch (Exception $e) { exit($e->getMessage()); }
and replace it with
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadimage']['tmp_name'], $imagename);
change controller/profile-action.php file, delete the following code:
try{ //upload to S3 $result = $client->putObject(array( 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $headshot, 'Body' => fopen($_FILES['headshot']['tmp_name'], 'r+'), )); } catch (Exception $e) { exit($e->getMessage()); }
and uncomment the following code block. modify$targetPath
to $targetPath=$headshot
If you have your own AWS account and want to deploy RDS and S3, you still need to configure some files.
- if you want to connect RDS to your phpmyadmin, edit php configuration file bin/phpMyAdmin/ Add following code and your own RDS URL in
server(s) configuration
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'your own RDS URL';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '3306';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = TRUE;
Restart PHP server after configuration.
- change db.php, modify
according to your own RDS.
I strongly recommand to configure aws credential file to store your access key instead of hard code. For crediential file, refer to If you currently do not have aws hidden folder, you can create it in computer's home folder (c:\ for Windows, Macintosh HD for MAC) yourself. In addition, according to S3.php, the access key should be placed under [project1] section in credentials file.
On the other hand, if you want to connect to S3 with hard code, you can replace code in s3.php with following code and paste access key in it:
<?php require 'aws/vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\S3\S3Client ; use Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception; try{ $client = S3Client::factory(array( 'credentials' => array( 'key' => 'your access key ID', 'secret' => 'your access secret key', ), 'version' => '2006-03-01', 'region' => 'us-west-2' )); } catch(Exception $e) { exit($e->getMessage()); } //S3 bucket name $bucket = 'minisocial'; ?>
In S3, a bucket named minisocial should be created for storing, if you want to create bucket in another name, edit
in S3.php file. Besides, According your S3 URL and bucket name, edit$targetPath
in controller/profile-action.php, controller/photo-action.php, register-action.php, and"s3path"
in upload.php. -
For folder used to stored pictures in AWS S3 bucket, create /img for saving user headshot and /postdata for saving post picture.