-- Registration:
- very simple registration process (can be changed if necessary)
- no mails (activation mails with token or any other mails)
- automatic activation of the account (role id and active status are assigned to the user automatically)
- no nicknames/ usernames, email serves as login
-- Looking up data
-- Displaying data
-- Resources and endpoints:
- Temperature (no authentication requested, it can be done with a decorator and depending upon a role of a user):
*api/temperatures/places/place_id - all the temperatures for a given place. place_id == 0 --> all the temperatures
are displayed GET
*api/temperatures/temperature_id - endpoint to get a given temperature object GET
*api/temperatures/ - creating new temperature objects POST. Please note what date formats are accepted (models.py,
Temperature, from_json, date_regex)
- Place
*api/places/ - list of all places (GET) or create new place (POST)
*api/places/place_id - info regarding a given place (GET)
- User
*api/users/ (GET) all users
*api/users/user_id (GET) a given user
*api/users/ (POST) - adding a new user
- Role - not implemented