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Kubernetes Component Status Reporter for Statsd

Simple utility pod that reports a summarized kubernetes component status to a statsd collector.

What does it do?

Basically it calls the equivalent of kubectl get componentstatuses on a loop every STATSD_COMPONENTCHECK_POLL_INTERVAL_SECONDS (default 30) seconds.

If all components report healthy, it reports the ServiceCheck as ok. If any component is unhealthy, it reports the ServiceCheck as critical.

You can then set dashboards/alerts on this Service Check to monitor the health of your kubernetes cluster.


Kube State Metrics does not support component statuses because lack of a watcher API kubernetes/kube-state-metrics#317


Before installing the reporter, you must (if you don't already have it) create a statsd service

You can do that (for a standard datadog deployment) by using the provided dd-service.yaml file


kubectl apply -f dd-service.yaml

This is distributed as a docker image. To run it inside your k8s cluster you can simply in the same namespace as your datadog agent:

kubectl run statsd-k8s-status-reporter --image=faraazkhan/statsd-k8s-status-reporter

If you'd rather build your own image (recommended) then clone this project and run:

make build

See for a sample Deployment config or simply change the Repo Name in the Makefile and run make deploy


By default the reporter runs in its own service account with limited permissions. If you are creating your own you need:

  - apiGroups: [""]
      - componentstatuses
    verbs: ["list"]


The project supports a few env vars:

STATSD_KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAME is the name your K8s cluster. This is added as a tag on the Service Check in DD.
The default is "minikube"

STATSD_AGENT_TAGS is a comma separated list of tags you want to add to service check for your cluster.
For example: STATSD_AGENT_TAGS="mycostcenter,myawsaccountalias"

STATSD_SERVICE_HOST is the host name of the statsd service you want to push the service checks to. Default: statsd-service

STATSD_SERVICE_PORT is the port of the statsd service you want to push to service checks to. Default: 8125

STATSD_COMPONENTCHECK_SUCCESS_MESSAGE is a string message sent to Datadog when all components are healthy
For example: STATSD_COMPONENTCHECK_SUCCESS_MESSAGE="All components are healthy!"

STATSD_COMPONENTCHECK_POLL_INTERVAL_SECONDS is the number of seconds between each check. Default is 10
Change this if you would like with:

A sample datadog monitor is also provided in json format at sample_dd_monitor.json


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