This repository presents two linear programming problems: a transportation problem optimizing the distribution of goods from two factories to six cities to minimize costs, and a traveling path problem finding the most cost-effective route between specified points in a city. The solutions are implemented using Python with the Pyomo and PuLP packages, respectively.
The transportation and distribution of goods from the source to the destination is a problem that requires optimization algorithms to solve. In this context, the goal is to minimize transportation costs while meeting the constraints of available resources and the needs of each region.
This problem falls under the category of network flows problems.
Here, we illustrate the transportation problem using an example. In this example, there are two factories (Arnhem
, Gouda
) and six customer nodes located in six European cities, as shown in the map below. Customer nodes are marked with red labels, and factories are marked with blue labels.
Each city's demand (in tons) is specified as follows:
factory = ["Arnhem", "Gouda"]
city = ["London", "Berlin", "Maastricht", "Amsterdam", "Utrecht", "The Hague"]
demands = [125, 175, 225, 250, 225, 200]
The total supply that each factory can provide (in tons) is as follows:
supply = [550, 700]
The transportation cost per ton (in euros) from each factory to each city is as follows. Transportation costs for city-factory pairs where transport is not possible are represented by a high value, such as 1e6.
price = [
[1e6, 2.5],
[2.5, 1e6],
[1.6, 2],
[1.4, 1],
[0.8, 1],
[1.4, 0.8]
A graph illustrating the aforementioned details is shown below.
The cost function to be minimized is written as follows.
This optimization problem is solved using the Pyomo package in Python, based on the following code.
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.x = pyo.Var(factories, cities, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
model.cost = pyo.Objective(
expr=sum(price[c][f] * model.x[f, c] for c in cities for f in factories),
model.demand_constraints = pyo.ConstraintList()
for c in cities:
sum(model.x[f, c] for f in factories) == demands[c]
model.supply_constraints = pyo.ConstraintList()
for f in factories:
sum(model.x[f, c] for c in cities) <= supply[f]
solver = pyo.SolverFactory('glpk')
print("Optimal Solution:")
for f in factories:
for c in cities:
print(f"{factory[f]} factory to {city[c]} City: {model.x[f, c]()}")
print("\nTotal Cost:", model.cost())
The optimal solution is written as follows.
City/Factory | Arnhem | Gouda |
London | 0 | 125 |
Berlin | 175 | 0 |
Maastricht | 225 | 0 |
Amsterdam | 0 | 250 |
Utrecht | 150 | 75 |
The Hague | 0 | 200 |
with a total cost of 1715 euros.
If the total supply of each factory is considered as shown below:
new_supply = [600, 650]
the optimal solution is as follows.
City/Factory | Arnhem | Gouda |
London | 0 | 125 |
Berlin | 175 | 0 |
Maastricht | 225 | 0 |
Amsterdam | 0 | 250 |
Utrecht | 200 | 25 |
The Hague | 0 | 200 |
with a total cost of 1705 euros.
The following image is a model of Tehran's popular places. The cost of transportation between each two places is shown on the arcs. The problem is to find the best route from an arbitrary starting point to an arbitrary destination point.
This problem falls under the category of routing problems.
Utilizing the PuLP package in Python, the following class is written to solve the problem.
class traveling_path_problem():
def __init__(self, num_points, s, t, C):
self.prob = LpProblem('prob', LpMinimize)
self.N = [str(i) for i in range(num_points)]
self.D = {node: 1 if node == s else -1 if node == t else 0 for node in self.N}
self.E = [(i,j) for i in self.N for j in self.N if i in C.keys() if j in C[i].keys()]
def solve(self):
x = LpVariable.dicts('x', self.E, lowBound = 0, upBound = 1, cat = LpInteger)
self.prob += lpSum([C[i][j]*x[i,j] for (i,j) in self.E])
for i in self.N:
self.prob += (lpSum([x[i,j] for j in self.N if (i,j) in self.E])
- lpSum([x[k,i] for k in self.N if (k,i) in self.E])) == self.D[i]
status = self.prob.solve()
path = []
for i in self.N:
for j in self.N:
if (i, j) in self.E and value(x[i, j]) == 1:
path.append((i, j))
total_cost = value(self.prob.objective)
return path, total_cost
def plotter(self, position):
flow = [v.varValue*3 for v in self.prob.variables()]
G = nx.Graph()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
nx.draw(G, pos=position, with_labels=True, ax=ax)
lines = []
for (i,j) in self.E:
lines.append([(position[i][0], position[i][1]),(position[j][0], position[j][1])])
lc = collections.LineCollection(lines, linewidth=flow, colors='r')
ax.set_title("Tehran Map")
ax.tick_params(left=True, bottom=True, labelleft=True, labelbottom=True)
Based on the following properties:
C = {
'0': {'1': 8.28, '2': 1.28, '6': 4.48},
'1': {'0': 3.64, '5': 7.52, '7': 7.56},
'2': {'0': 0.66},
'3': {'9': 10},
'4': {'5': 19.38, '8': 44, '9': 42},
'5': {'1': 11.38, '4': 24.96, '7': 10.44},
'6': {'0': 1.6, '7': 11.04},
'7': {'1': 9.12, '5': 9.12, '6': 8.4},
'8': {'4': 37.6, '9': 29.58},
'9': {'3': 4.32, '4': 36.12, '8': 28.6}
num_points = 10
s = '1' #start
t = '9' #terminal
the best path is shown in the following image.
problem = traveling_path_problem(num_points, s, t, C)
path, total_cost = problem.solve()
position = {'0': [35.702, 51.369], '1': [35.721, 51.388], '2': [35.701,51.39],'3': [35.784, 51.398], '4': [35.753, 51.426],
'5': [35.742, 51.399], '6': [35.703, 51.41], '7': [35.728, 51.417], '8': [35.79, 51.457], '9': [35.777, 51.41]}
The best path is
n3_6_shortest_paths_pulp. (n.d.).
- Course: Operational Research [ECE 145]
- Semester: Fall 2023
- Institution: School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran
- Instructor: Dr. Ramezani Moghaddam