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Based on the Dash Natural Gas demo:
⚡💻 Quick start in Docker:
docker run fastdatascience/clinical_trial_risk
This app runs on Dash interactive Python framework developed by Plotly.
Developed by Thomas Wood / Fast Data Science,
The Clinical Trial Risk Tool is written in Python using the Dash front end library and the Java library Tika for reading PDFs, and runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows, and can be deployed as a web app using Docker.
You can read a walkthrough of how the tool works here and of how accurate it is here.
Install Git.
Install Git LFS. This is important - if you just have regular Git installed then only part of the repository will not be cloned, as the large binary files are stored in Git LFS (Large File Storage).
clone this repository with the following command:
git clone
Alternatively to the above, you can click the Download button in the top right if you are using Github in the browser, and download and unzip the code:
- Install Docker.
- Open a command line or Terminal window. Change folder to where you downloaded and unzipped the repository, and go to the folder
. Run the following command:
docker build
docker run
Download and install Java if you don't have it already. Download and install Apache Tika and run it on your computer
java -jar tika-server-standard-2.3.0.jar
(the version number of your Jar file name may differ.)
Install everything in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the NLTK dependencies:
python -c 'import nltk;"stopwords")'
There is more information in front_end/
Go into front_end
and run
You can then open your browser at localhost:8050
and you will see the Clinical Trial Risk Tool.
There is more information on obtaining the training data in data/ Most data could not be supplied directly in this repository due to copyright and licensing restrictions.
If you don't have the training data, go into data/raw_protocols
folder and run
This will download a subset of the raw PDF training data from the internet.
Next, run the following command to preprocess the data:
This will populate the data/preprocessed_text
and data/preprocessed_tika
folders with the preprocessed data.
If you want the tool to have some demo protocols in the dropdown, you can run data/ctgov/09_MakePickleFile.ipynb
to generate a Pickle file which you can place in a folder "demo_data":
There is more information on training in train/
Go into the train
folder and run
Alternatively on Linux/Unix you can run a shell script to train all models:
for f in `ls train*py`; do python $f; done
This will write to the following files:
- the three-way Naive Bayes classifier model that classifies protocols into HIV, TB or
- the two-way Naive Bayes classifier model that classifies individual tokens of a protocol into effect estimate or not effect
- the Random Forest regressor model to identify sample
- the two-way Naive Bayes classifier model that classifies individual pages of a protocol into SAP or not
- the two-way Naive Bayes classifier model that classifies individual pages of a protocol into simulation or not
- the Inverse Document Frequencies of words in the training dataset, used to select words for the word cloud.
There are some extra models which were trained from data downloaded from the data dump.
This is in data/ctgov.
You will need to go to that folder and follow the instructions for downloading the Postgres data dump, and then run the shell scripts and Jupyter notebooks to generate the dataset.
You will need to run the Jupyter notebooks in the train
folder to train these extra models.
There is more information on training from the dataset in train/ctgov/
The Azure deployment consists of two separate web apps: a front end, and a Tika web app for PDF parsing.
The app depends on Tika as its PDF extraction library, which is written in Java. If you are running on the web instead of your computer, you need a remote Tika instance.
I deployed a Tika Docker instance on Azure Webapp.
This is from DockerHub, ID apache/tika:2.3.0
So I went into Azure, selected New Webapp, and followed the options to create one from DockerHub.
Documentation is at
Now go into the Azure web portal at
and find the web app you created.
Also go into Settings -> Configuration -> Application settings and create an environment variable PORT
and set it to 9998
Finally, make sure to go into the Settings -> Configuration -> General settings and turn off "Always On"!
Note the URL of your Tika instance, e.g.
Deploying the Front End app as a Docker container to Microsoft Azure App Service via Azure Container Registry
Create a container registry in Microsoft Azure:
You need to enable the admin user in the Azure portal. Navigate to your registry, select Access keys under SETTINGS, then Enable under Admin user.
See here for more details:
In command line, if you have installed Azure CLI, log into both the Azure Portal and Azure Container Registry:
az login
az acr login --name regprotocolsfds
If the admin user is not yet enabled, you can use the command:
az acr update -n regprotocolsfds --admin-enabled true
You can use Docker to deploy the front end app. In folder front_end
, run command:
docker build -t protocols-front --build-arg COMMIT_ID=`git log | head -1 | awk '{print $2}'` .
(You can also run ./
as a shortcut)
To test the front end, you can run (with the appropriate value for your Tika endpoint URL):
docker run -p 80:80 -e TIKA_SERVER_ENDPOINT= protocols-front
Now to deploy it, you can run:
docker tag protocols-front
docker push
Now go into the Azure portal and create a web app:
Choose the Docker options and select Azure Container Registry, and select protocols-front as the container.
Make sure to go into the Settings -> Configuration in Azure and turn off "Always On"!
Now tell the front end app where to find the Tika app. You can do this either by command line or in the web portal. To use command line, do:
az webapp config appsettings set -g protocol -n protocols-webapp --settings TIKA_SERVER_ENDPOINT=
Alternatively, find the web app in the Azure web portal and go into Configuration and set environment variable in the Azure Dash web app to point to your Tika instance, e.g.
TIKA_SERVER_ENDPOINT=[URL of your Tika instance]
It's also a good idea to turn on continuous deployment, then you can redeploy the app from the command line by pushing to the Docker Container Registry.
Also for the front end web app, make sure to go into the Settings -> Configuration in Azure and turn off "Always On"!
Alternative deployment (which hasn't worked as well): Deploying both Docker Containers via Docker Compose to Microsoft Azure App Service via Azure Container Registry
Create a container registry in Microsoft Azure with a name according to your choice, for example regprotocolsfds
If your Azure container registry is named regprotocolsfds
then its address will be
Make sure that the address of the container registry is in the app/docker-compose.yml
You need to enable the admin user in the Azure portal. Navigate to your registry, select Access keys under SETTINGS, then Enable under Admin user.
See here for more details:
In command line, if you have installed Azure CLI, log into both the Azure Portal and Azure Container Registry:
az login
az acr login --name regprotocolsfds
If the admin user is not yet enabled, you can use the command:
az acr update -n regprotocolsfds --admin-enabled true
Build the Docker Compose containers:
docker-compose build
Push the Docker container to the Azure container registry:
docker-compose push
Choose the Docker options and select Container Type - Docker Compose and Registry Source - Azure Container Registry, and select protocols_prod as the container.
Set the Configuration File to app/docker-compose.yml
Make sure to go into the Settings -> Configuration in Azure and turn off "Always On"!
You can configure the Azure web app so that every time you push a new container to the Azure container registry, the app is redeployed.
You might want to set up an IP rule to make sure that only the front end app can access the Tika web app.
You can do this by going into the Tika webapp, and selecting Networking and Access Restrictions. You can add whitelist rules for the IP addresses of the front end app.
The tool's online version has user authentication. This feature is optional and becomes enabled if you set environment variables to the appropriate values:
export FLASK_SECRET_KEY="clinicaltrialsecret101"
export AUTH0_AUTH_URL=""
export AUTH0_AUTH_SCOPE="openid profile email"
export AUTH0_AUTH_CLIENT_ID="7lHpbJwWnGR1Z40912jS8BfJ8iobmDQo"
export AUTH0_LOGOUT_URL=""
export AUTH_FLASK_ROUTES="true"
export DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY=/tmp/downloads
You can get the correct values for Auth0 by creating a free account and project at
If you do not set the values of the environment variables, the tool will run with no authentication.
Optionally, if you want to allow users to save/load configurations, you will need to deploy with Azure Blob Storage or a similar storage solution where configurations can be saved.
In Microsoft Azure App Server, you can connect an instance of Azure File Storage to the app service so it is surfaced as a path on the filesystem. You then need to set environment variable DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY
to point to the appropriate location. Then user data can be persisted across sessions (e.g. when the server restarts).
- Dash - Main server and interactive components
- Plotly Python - Used to create the interactive plots
- Docker - Used for deployment to the web
- Apache Tika - Used for parsing PDFs to text
- spaCy - Used for NLP analysis
- NLTK - Used for NLP analysis
- Scikit-Learn - Used for machine learning
- Auth0 - Optional component for user authentication/login management
- Apache Tika: Apache 2.0 License
- spaCy: MIT License
- NLTK: Apache 2.0 License
- Scikit-Learn: BSD 3-Clause
- Deploying a Dash webapp via Docker to Azure:
Thomas Wood of Fast Data Science presented this tool at the Plotly Dash in Action webinar, showing how the app uses Natural Language Processing to estimate the risk of a clinical trial failing.
If you would like to cite the tool alone, you can cite:
Wood TA and McNair D. Clinical Trial Risk Tool: software application using natural language processing to identify the risk of trial uninformativeness. Gates Open Res 2023, 7:56 doi: 10.12688/gatesopenres.14416.1.
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
doi = {10.12688/gatesopenres.14416.1},
url = {},
year = 2023,
month = {apr},
publisher = {F1000 Research Ltd},
volume = {7},
pages = {56},
author = {Thomas A Wood and Douglas McNair},
title = {Clinical Trial Risk Tool: software application using natural language processing to identify the risk of trial uninformativeness},
journal = {Gates Open Research}