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fatalis committed Apr 21, 2014
0 parents commit 481e504
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Showing 9 changed files with 661 additions and 0 deletions.
345 changes: 345 additions & 0 deletions GameMemory.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace LiveSplit.HaloSplit
class GameMemory
public delegate void MapChangedEventHandler(object sender, string map);
public event MapChangedEventHandler OnMapChanged;
public event EventHandler OnGainControl;
public event EventHandler OnLostControl;
public event EventHandler OnReset;

private Task _thread;
private CancellationTokenSource _cancelSource;

private DeepPointer _currentMapPtr;
private DeepPointer _playerPosPtr;
private DeepPointer _playerFrozenPtr;
private DeepPointer _difficultyPtr;

public GameMemory()
_difficultyPtr = new DeepPointer(0x290354);

public void StartReading()
if (_thread != null && _thread.Status == TaskStatus.Running)
throw new InvalidOperationException();

_cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
_thread = Task.Factory.StartNew(MemoryReadThread);

public void Stop()
if (_cancelSource == null || _thread == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();

if (_thread.Status != TaskStatus.Running)


Process GetGameProcess()
Process gameProcess = Process.GetProcesses()
.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProcessName.ToLower() == "halo" && !p.HasExited);

if (gameProcess != null)
if (gameProcess.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion == "")
_currentMapPtr = new DeepPointer(0x30B4B9);
_playerFrozenPtr = new DeepPointer(0x46B838, 0x11);
_playerPosPtr = new DeepPointer(0x21A508, 0x77c);
return gameProcess;
else if (gameProcess.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion == "")
_currentMapPtr = new DeepPointer(0x30B6C1);
_playerFrozenPtr = new DeepPointer(0x46BA58, 0x11);
_playerPosPtr = new DeepPointer(0x21A278, 0x77c);
return gameProcess;

return null;

void MemoryReadThread()
while (!_cancelSource.IsCancellationRequested)
Process gameProcess;
while ((gameProcess = this.GetGameProcess()) == null)
if (_cancelSource.IsCancellationRequested)

string prevCurrentMap = String.Empty;
bool prevPlayerFrozen = false;
while (!gameProcess.HasExited)
string currentMap;
_currentMapPtr.Deref(gameProcess, out currentMap, 255);
if (currentMap != prevCurrentMap)
if (this.OnMapChanged != null)
this.OnMapChanged(this, currentMap);

bool playerFrozen;
_playerFrozenPtr.Deref(gameProcess, out playerFrozen);
if (playerFrozen != prevPlayerFrozen)
if (!playerFrozen && currentMap == @"levels\a10\a10")
Vector3f pos;
_playerPosPtr.Deref(gameProcess, out pos);

int difficulty;
_difficultyPtr.Deref(gameProcess, out difficulty);

// a bunch of hacks, but it works
var chamberPos = new Vector3f(-0.0989f, 0.436f, 0);
float dist = pos.DistanceXY(chamberPos);
if ((difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEGENDARY && dist < 0.001)
|| (difficulty != DIFFICULTY_LEGENDARY && dist > 1.0f && dist < 55.4f))
if (this.OnGainControl != null)
this.OnGainControl(this, EventArgs.Empty);
else if (dist > 55.3f && dist < 55.5f)
if (this.OnReset != null)
this.OnReset(this, EventArgs.Empty);
else if (playerFrozen && currentMap == @"levels\d40\d40")
if (this.OnLostControl != null)
this.OnLostControl(this, EventArgs.Empty);

prevCurrentMap = currentMap;
prevPlayerFrozen = playerFrozen;


if (_cancelSource.IsCancellationRequested)
catch (Exception ex)

class DeepPointer
private List<int> _offsets;
private int _base;

public DeepPointer(int base_, params int[] offsets)
_base = base_;
_offsets = new List<int>();
_offsets.Add(0); // deref base first

public bool Deref<T>(Process process, out T value) where T: struct
int offset = _offsets[_offsets.Count - 1];
IntPtr ptr;
if (!this.DerefOffsets(process, out ptr)
|| !ReadProcessValue(process, ptr + offset, out value))
value = default(T);
return false;

return true;

public bool Deref(Process process, out Vector3f value)
int offset = _offsets[_offsets.Count - 1];
IntPtr ptr;
float x, y, z;
if (!this.DerefOffsets(process, out ptr)
|| !ReadProcessValue(process, ptr + offset + 0, out x)
|| !ReadProcessValue(process, ptr + offset + 4, out y)
|| !ReadProcessValue(process, ptr + offset + 8, out z))
value = new Vector3f();
return false;

value = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
return true;

public bool Deref(Process process, out string str, int max)
var sb = new StringBuilder(max);

IntPtr ptr;
if (!this.DerefOffsets(process, out ptr)
|| !ReadProcessASCIIString(process, ptr, sb))
str = String.Empty;
return false;

str = sb.ToString();
return true;

bool DerefOffsets(Process process, out IntPtr ptr)
ptr = process.MainModule.BaseAddress + _base;
for (int i = 0; i < _offsets.Count - 1; i++)
if (!ReadProcessPtr32(process, ptr + _offsets[i], out ptr)
|| ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
return false;

return true;

static bool ReadProcessValue<T>(Process process, IntPtr addr, out T val) where T : struct
Type type = typeof(T);

var bytes = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(type)];

int read;
val = default(T);
if (!SafeNativeMethods.ReadProcessMemory(process.Handle, addr, bytes, bytes.Length, out read) || read != bytes.Length)
return false;

if (type == typeof(int))
val = (T)(object)BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);
else if (type == typeof(uint))
val = (T)(object)BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0);
else if (type == typeof(float))
val = (T)(object)BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 0);
else if (type == typeof(byte))
val = (T)(object)bytes[0];
else if (type == typeof(bool))
val = (T)(object)BitConverter.ToBoolean(bytes, 0);
throw new Exception("Type not supported.");

return true;

static bool ReadProcessPtr32(Process process, IntPtr addr, out IntPtr val)
byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
int read;
val = IntPtr.Zero;
if (!SafeNativeMethods.ReadProcessMemory(process.Handle, addr, bytes, bytes.Length, out read) || read != bytes.Length)
return false;
val = (IntPtr)BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);
return true;

static bool ReadProcessASCIIString(Process process, IntPtr addr, StringBuilder sb)
byte[] bytes = new byte[sb.Capacity];
int read;
if (!SafeNativeMethods.ReadProcessMemory(process.Handle, addr, bytes, bytes.Length, out read) || read != bytes.Length)
return false;

for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length; i++)
if (sb[i] == '\0')
sb.Remove(i, sb.Length - i);

return true;

public class Vector3f
public float X { get; set; }
public float Y { get; set; }
public float Z { get; set; }

public int IX { get { return (int)this.X; } }
public int IY { get { return (int)this.Y; } }
public int IZ { get { return (int)this.Z; } }

public Vector3f() { }

public Vector3f(float x, float y, float z)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
this.Z = z;

public float Distance(Vector3f other)
float result = (this.X - other.X) * (this.X - other.X) +
(this.Y - other.Y) * (this.Y - other.Y) +
(this.Z - other.Z) * (this.Z - other.Z);
return (float)Math.Sqrt(result);

public float DistanceXY(Vector3f other)
float result = (this.X - other.X) * (this.X - other.X) +
(this.Y - other.Y) * (this.Y - other.Y);
return (float)Math.Sqrt(result);

public override string ToString()
return this.X + " " + this.Y + " " + this.Z;

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