A command line interface for Reminders on macOS.
dit is not complete, and its structure would have to change substantially to become complete.
- See existing Lists
- Query Reminders in those lists
- filtering by completion status
- for due date in open or closed time ranges
- for completion date in open or closed time ranges
- Create Reminders
- in arbitrary lists
- in a default list
- with a due date specified as an interval from today
- with a recurrence specified as an time interval‡
- Mark reminders as done/undone
The dit
CLI tool is available via a Homebrew tap:
brew install fcanas/tap/dit
brew tap fcanas/tap
brew install dit
OVERVIEW: Manipulate reminders
USAGE: dit <subcommand>
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.
query (default) Show Reminders.
create Create a new reminder.
lists Display Lists of Reminders
configure Configure default settings.
do Mark reminders as done.
See 'dit help <subcommand>' for detailed help.
OVERVIEW: Show Reminders.
Date filters --starting and --ending operate on the due date for
incomplete tasks and the completion date for complete tasks.
USAGE: dit query [--all] [--complete] [--incomplete] [--list <list>] [--starting <starting>] [--ending <ending>]
Show Reminders based on completion status. (default: incomplete)
-l, --list <list> The name of the list to query. Default can be set with the
configure command.
-s, --starting <starting>
Beginning of time range to query within, specified relative to
today. e.g. 2d specifies to search for Reminders
beginning two days from now.
-e, --ending <ending> End of time range to query within, specified relative to today.
e.g. 3w specifies to search for Reminders before three
weeks from now.
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.
OVERVIEW: Create a new reminder.
USAGE: dit create [--list <list>] <title> [--due-in <due-in>] [--repeats <repeats>]
<title> Title for the new reminder
-l, --list <list> The list to create the reminder in
-d, --due-in <due-in> An interval specifying how far from now the reminder is due,
specified in minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months, and years. These units
can be combined in ascending order, e.g. 1y2m17h22s
-r, --repeats <repeats> How often the reminder should repeat, in days,
weeks, months, and years. These units
cannot be comined. e.g. 3w, y, d,
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.
‡ Recurrence intervals can currently only be made in the form of "Every N ( days | weeks | months | years )"
OVERVIEW: Display Lists of Reminders
USAGE: dit lists
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.
OVERVIEW: Configure default settings.
USAGE: dit configure [--default-list <default-list>]
-d, --default-list <default-list>
Set the default List when creating a reminder
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.
OVERVIEW: Mark reminders as done.
Do is an interactive command.The flags and options form a query, and present a numbered
list of items that can be selected for toggling. Date filters --starting and
--ending operate on the due date for incomplete tasks and the completion date for
complete tasks.
USAGE: dit do [--all] [--complete] [--incomplete] [--list <list>] [--starting <starting>] [--ending <ending>]
Show Reminders based on completion status. (default: incomplete)
-l, --list <list> The name of the list to query. Default can be set with the
configure command.
-s, --starting <starting>
Beginning of time range to query within, specified relative to
today. e.g. 2d specifies to search for Reminders
beginning two days from now.
-e, --ending <ending> End of time range to query within, specified relative to today.
e.g. 3w specifies to search for Reminders before three
weeks from now.
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.