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Sums of two squares in Python

The script provides - as the name suggest - an implementation of some functions regarding sums of two squares. It's main purpose is to find all representations of a non-negative integer as a sum of two squares. For this, it can also be used as a command line program, see Usage.

How it works

There are mainly three mathematical "ingredients". The first is an algorithm to find a representation of a prime $p \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ as a sum of two squares due to Stan Wagon in [1]. The second one is the Brahmagupta-Fibonacci identity [BF] and the third (implicit one) is Jacobi's two-square theorem [J].

With these remarks out of the way, we can describe how the algorithm for finding all representation of $n$ as a sum of two squares works:

  • Factorize $n = p_1^{\nu_1} \cdots p_r^{\nu_r}$ with distinct primes $p_j$, $1 \le j \le r$.
  • For every $p_j$ proceed as follows:
    • If $p_j \equiv 3 \pmod 4$ and $\nu_j$ is even, store $(0, p_j^{\nu_j/2})$ (which up to order and signs is the only representation by [J]). If $\nu_j$ is odd, quit since in this case $n$ cannot be written as a sum of two squares.
    • If $p_j \equiv 1 \pmod 4$, find the representation of $p_j$ as a sum of two squares as described in [1].
    • If $p_j = 2$ store $(1,1)$ (which is once again up to signs unique).
  • For every prime $p_j \not\equiv 3 \pmod 4$, calculate representations of $p_j^{\nu_j}$ by repeatedly applying [BF].
  • Start with $(0, 1)$ and for every $j = 0, \dots, r$ apply [BF] to $p_1^{\nu_1} \cdots p_{j - 1}^{\nu_j - 1}$ and $p_j^{\nu_j}$ to obtain all representations for $p_1^{\nu_1} \cdots p_j^{\nu_j}$.

That all representations are actually found like this follows from:

  1. If $n = p q$ is a sum of two squares and $p$ is a prime which can be written as a sum of two squares, then so can $q$ (this is a proposition by Euler). Furthermore, any representation of $n$ can be found from the one of $p$ and a suitable one of $q$ by applying the [BF].
  2. [J] implies that any number of the form $q_1^{\mu_1} \cdots q_s^{\mu_s}$ where all $q_j$ are congruent to $3$ modulo $4$ has only one representation (up to order and signs).

Together, this shows that one can, without loss of generality, repeatedly split off $2$ and Pythagorean primes from the factorization of $n$ until it is of the form in 2. in which case the claim that all representations are found by the above approach immediately follows.


You can either import the file for your own purposes or run it directly. When doing the latter, the program requires a non-negative integer $n$ as its input. It can either be provided as a command-line argument, i.e. python 25, or interactively when the program asks for it. In both cases, $n$ can also be provided as an expression such as 3**2 * 5 or log(2534)*2*sqrt(4) + exp(4) (for this, sympy is used). The -l flag can be used to parse LaTeX instead of Python syntax.

Of course, there's also python -h for getting usage information.


> python 21855625
Input: n = 21,855,625.
r_2(n) = 60. The representations are:
      m_1    m_2  Sums of two squares    Multiplied out             Count
--  -----  -----  ---------------------  -----------------------  -------
 1      0  4,675  0^2 + 4,675^2          0 + 21,855,625                 4
 2    715  4,620  715^2 + 4,620^2        511,225 + 21,344,400           8
 3    957  4,576  957^2 + 4,576^2        915,849 + 20,939,776           8
 4  1,309  4,488  1,309^2 + 4,488^2      1,713,481 + 20,142,144         8
 5  1,980  4,235  1,980^2 + 4,235^2      3,920,400 + 17,935,225         8
 6  2,200  4,125  2,200^2 + 4,125^2      4,840,000 + 17,015,625         8
 7  2,805  3,740  2,805^2 + 3,740^2      7,868,025 + 13,987,600         8
 8  3,267  3,344  3,267^2 + 3,344^2      10,673,289 + 11,182,336        8


Besides modules from Python's standard library, the script uses sympy for parsing the input and integer factorization. Apart from that, the only dependency is tabulate for prettier output if run directly.


[1] Stan Wagon. "Editor's Corner: The Euclidean Algorithm Strikes Again." In: The American Mathematical Monthly, 97.2 (Feb. 1990), pp. 125-129. ISSN: 1930-0972. DOI:


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