Hi! I have some interesting repositories here in my profile.
- cppposit C++17 Posit library
- dfarc Decoding Free ARithmetic Core generator: generation of 1-D look-up tables with integer space-transformation for decoding-free real number arithmetic operations
- ppu: Hardware design, implementation and verification of posit numbers
- emptyNN: a C++17 Deep Neural Network library focused on performance evaluation of computer architectures and numerical representations.
- OpenGLSceneBuilder: a rudimental scene compositor using JSON scenes and OpenGL for rendering. Texture, lighting and shadows are supported.
- TensorPosit: Tensorflow ported to use cppPosit library.
- lambdaParamPacker: simple header to achieve variable signature lambda/functors inside STL containers via parameter packing and std::any
- sockpp: small RAII/SFINAE wrapper for plain TCP C sockets
- sep8Emulator: C++ emulator of a didactic 16-bit processor. A bit outdated, still fancy. One of my first emulation projects