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Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance


I am calculating industry indixes from S&P500 stocks, modeling CPPI and comparing with industry returns


CPPI allows to calculate allocations to risky and "safe" assets based on the risk appetite and industry performance and change these allocations dynamically.

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Performance Comparison

Dynamic reallocation to STIP ETF reduced max drawdown by 17% and 38% for Transportation and Energy Minerals respectfully

Bond + Equity combination

Industry Annualized Return Annualized Vol Sharpe Ratio Max Drawdown
Transportation 0.087463 0.134835 0.413803 -0.175079
Energy Minerals -0.134504 0.103602 -1.541758 -0.210990

Pure Equity portfolio

Industry Annualized Return Annualized Vol Sharpe Ratio Max Drawdown
Transportation 0.224433 0.362082 0.521387 -0.348918
Energy Minerals -0.275422 0.579931 -0.511387 -0.587312

Quick Example

I used "robin_stocks" library to pull the prices for each stock in S&P500, their corresponsing sectors and capitalization. I found robin_stocks to be the most stable and reliable tool for pulling data for a large list of securities. The steps are discribed in CPPI.ipynb jupyter notebook, which is available under in this project's folder.
In the example below I want to give a quick view of how to perform CPPI algorithm using free publickly available libraries only such as "yfinance" and "yahoo_fin"


import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
import yahoo_fin.stock_info as si
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import yfinance as yf

Getting prices

As our risky assets we'll use SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY), which tracks performance of S&P500. We'll compare it to WisdomTree EM Quality Dividend Growth Fund (DGRE) to get a sence of exposure to Emerging Markets.
We'll use Vanguard Short-Term TIPS ETF (VTIP) as our "safe" asset. We will transfer allocations to VTIP as long as SPY and DGRE are dropping.

hqualem_eq = yf.Ticker('DGRE').history(period='max') #WisdomTree EM Quality Dividend Growth Fund
hqualem_eq = hqualem_eq.add_suffix('_DGRE')

sp2 = yf.Ticker('SPY').history(period='max') #S&P500
sp2 = sp2.add_suffix('_SPY')

risky_price = pd.merge(hqualem_eq, sp2, left_index=True, right_index=True)
risky_price = risky_price.filter(like='Close')
ii = ['DGRE', 'SPY']
risky_price = risky_price.rename(columns={f'Close_{i}': i for i in ii})
risky = risky_price[['DGRE', 'SPY']].pct_change().dropna()

tips = yf.Ticker('VTIP').history(period='max') #Vanguard Short-Term TIPS ETF
tips = tips.add_suffix('_VTIP')

safe_price = tips.filter(like='Close')
safe_price = safe_price.rename(columns={'Close_VTIP': 'VTIP'})
safe = safe_price['VTIP'].pct_change().dropna()

CPPI model

Vrisky = m*(V - F)

where Vrisky

is the value of assets in the risky portfolio
V is the starting value of the total portfolio
F is the asset level below which the total portfolio should not fall
m >= 1 is the multiplier (how risky you wanna be)

def run_cppi(risky_r, safe_r=None, m=3, start=1000, floor=0.8, riskfree_rate=0.03, drawdown=None):
    Run a backtest of the CPPI strategy, given a set of returns for the risky asset
    Returns a dictionary containing: Asset Value History, Risk Budget History, Risky Weight History
    # set up the CPPI parameters
    dates = risky_r.index
    n_steps = len(dates)
    account_value = start
    floor_value = start*floor
    peak = account_value
    if isinstance(risky_r, pd.Series): 
        risky_r = pd.DataFrame(risky_r, columns=["R"])

    if safe_r is None:
        safe_r = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
        safe_r.values[:] = riskfree_rate/350 # fast way to set all values to a number
        #o = safe_r
        #safe_r = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
        #safe_r.loc[:,:] = o.values[:,None]
    # set up some DataFrames for saving intermediate values
    account_history = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
    risky_w_history = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
    cushion_history = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
    floorval_history = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
    peak_history = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)

    for step in range(n_steps):
        if drawdown is not None:
            peak = np.maximum(peak, account_value)
            floor_value = peak*(1-drawdown)
        cushion = (account_value - floor_value)/account_value
        risky_w = m*cushion
        risky_w = np.minimum(risky_w, 1)
        risky_w = np.maximum(risky_w, 0)
        safe_w = 1-risky_w
        risky_alloc = account_value*risky_w
        safe_alloc = account_value*safe_w
        # recompute the new account value at the end of this step
        account_value = risky_alloc*(1+risky_r.iloc[step]) + safe_alloc*(1+safe_r.iloc[step])
        # save the histories for analysis and plotting
        cushion_history.iloc[step] = cushion
        risky_w_history.iloc[step] = risky_w
        account_history.iloc[step] = account_value
        floorval_history.iloc[step] = floor_value
        peak_history.iloc[step] = peak
    risky_wealth = start*(1+risky_r).cumprod()
    backtest_result = {
        "Wealth": account_history,
        "Risky Wealth": risky_wealth, 
        "Risk Budget": cushion_history,
        "Risky Allocation": risky_w_history,
        "m": m,
        "start": start,
        "floor": floor,
        "safe_r": safe_r,
        "drawdown": drawdown,
        "peak": peak_history,
        "floor": floorval_history
    return backtest_result, safe_r

Running the model

I'll pick high multiplier to be more exposed to the risky asset but will limit my drawdown to 10%

btr = run_cppi(risky['2020':], safe['2020':], m=6, start=15763, floor=0.8, drawdown=0.1)
ax = btr[0]["Wealth"].plot(figsize=(15,6))
btr[0]["Risky Wealth"].plot(ax=ax, style="--", linewidth=3)

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As shown above with the help of VTIP our DGRE and SPY portfolios were able to save most of its wealth during significant drops in the market


Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance







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