This repository contains my solutions to various LeetCode problems. As I continue to solve problems, I'll regularly update this repository to showcase my progress and coding skills.
- Sharpening problem-solving skills.
- Learning and implementing different algorithms and data structures.
- Preparing for technical interviews.
The repository is organized by LeetCode problem dificulty. Within each directory, you'll find:
- Problem Description: A link to the problem.
- Solution: My implementation of the solution in python.
Feel free to explore the solutions, provide feedback, or suggest improvements.
- add-binary
- balanced-binary-tree
- best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock
- binary-search
- climbing-stairs
- contains-duplicate
- diameter-of-binary-tree
- first-bad-version
- flood-fill
- implement-queue-using-stacks
- invert-binary-tree
- linked-list-cycle
- longest-palindrome
- majority-element
- maximum-depth-of-binary-tree
- merge-two-sorted-lists
- middle-of-the-linked-list
- ransom-note
- reverse-linked-list
- two-sum
- valid-anagram
- valid-palindrome
- valid-parentheses
- 01-matrix
- 3sum
- accounts-merge
- binary-tree-level-order-traversal
- binary-tree-right-side-view
- clone-graph
- coin-change
- combination-sum
- construct-binary-tree-from-preorder-and-inorder-traversal
- container-with-most-water
- course-schedule
- evaluate-reverse-polish-notation
- find-all-anagrams-in-a-string
- implement-trie-prefix-tree
- insert-interval
- k-closest-points-to-origin
- kth-smallest-element-in-a-bst
- letter-combinations-of-a-phone-number
- longest-palindromic-substring
- longest-substring-without-repeating-characters
- lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-search-tree
- lru-cache
- maximum-subarray
- merge-intervals
- min-stack
- minimum-height-trees
- number-of-islands
- partition-equal-subset-sum
- permutations
- product-of-array-except-self
- rotting-oranges
- search-in-rotated-sorted-array
- sort-colors
- spiral-matrix
- subsets
- task-scheduler
- time-based-key-value-store
- unique-paths
- validate-binary-search-tree
- word-break
- word-search
- minimum-window-substring
- serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree
- trapping-rain-water
Let's connect! Feel free to reach out for discussions, questions, or collaborations.