Build status badges
Provide an introductory paragraph, describing:
- What your project does
- Why people should consider using your project
- Link to project home page
Here you can provide more details about the project
- What features does your project provide?
- Short motivation for the project? (Don't be too long winded)
- Links to the project site
This section should provide instructions for other developers on how to run the project.
Any software or dependencies that should exist before attempting to run or install the project.
Instructions for how to build your project, any build targets
mvn clean install
# to generate the site and reports
mvn site install -P reporting
# Start the server
mvn clean spring-boot:run
Describe how to run unit tests for your project.
mvn clean test
If you have formatting checks, coding style checks, or static analysis tests that must pass before changes will be considered, add a section for those and provide instructions
Instructions for how to install your project's build artifacts
Examples should be included
Instructions for using your project. Ways to run the program, how to include it in another project, etc.
Examples should be included
If your project provides an API, either provide details for usage in this document or link to the appropriate API reference documents
How to create releases
Provide any instructions on how to get help.