Releases: ferranabello/Viperit
Releases · ferranabello/Viperit
Xcode 13 compatibility
- The library now builds with Xcode 13 (thanks @Speakus)
- Minimum deployment version is now iOS 12+
SwiftUI weak linking
Fix issues related to running Viperit on iOS < 13
Fix Cocoapods release
Specify SwiftUI as 'weak_framework' in the Pod specs
Fix SPM release
Set iOS 11.0 as the minimum deployment target
You can now build Viperit modules using SwiftUI for your view!
Note: This version needs Xcode 11, Swift 5.1 and iOS 11+
SPM Support
Added support for Swift Package Manager
Make getNavigationController public
- Make getNavigationController function public
- Use router's viewController accessor instead of force casting
- Extend RouterProtocol instead of Router class where it makes sense
Embed in navigation controller is now open
Now you can override the method embedInNavigationController if you wish. Thanks @Speakus for pointing that out.
Full-protocol, Xcode10.2, Swift 5
Support for any UIViewController subclass, even third-party classes.
Default implementations for UITableViewController (TableUserInterface), UICollectionViewController (CollectionUserInterface) and UISplitViewController (SplitUserInterface)
Xcode 10.2
Swift 5
Router built-in modals support
1.2.1 Bump version to 1.2.1 (#91)