This repository stores the lessons and presentations of the course Dealing with Spatio-temporal Data in Movement and Population Ecology, June 17-22 2018 - Trento, Italy
- Program
- Schedule
- Section 0: Introduction to Data Management
- Section 1: SQL and Spatial SQL
- Section 2: Movement Ecology Data Management with PostgreSQL/PostGIS
- Section 3: Movement Ecology Data Analysis in R
- Section 4: From Population Data to Spatial Modelling
- Section 5: RSA in Movement Population Ecology
- Section 6: Special topics
- Flash talks from students
- Data
The material reported in lesson 2 has been created by Ferdinando Urbano, Francesca Cagnacci, Mattieu Basille, Johannes de Groeve and David Bucklin and is partially based on the book Spatial Database for GPS Wildlife Tracking Data (Urbano & Cagnacci, 2014).