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ffizer is a files and folders initializer / generator. Create any kind (or part) of project from template.


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ffizer is a files and folders initializer / generator. It creates or updates any kind (or part) of project from template(s).

keywords: file generator, project template, project scaffolding, quick start, project bootstrap, project skeleton

asciicast: ffizer demo


  • Create or update files and folder from one (or several) template(s).
  • A native executable (cli)
    • Install via download a standalone single file on system (no requirements like python, ruby, nodejs, java, ...).
    • Run as fast enough project generator.
    • Run with dry mode (useful to test).
  • A rust library
    • Can be included into other tool
  • Templates Authoring
    • Can be used for any file & folder generation (no specialization to one ecosystem).
    • Can start as simple as a folder to copy "as is".
    • Can use the Handlebars template syntax for file content, extended with functions:
      • To transform strings (toUpperCase, toLowerCase, Capitalize,...)
      • To retrieve content via http get (like .gitignore from, license from spdx)
      • ...
    • Can replace variables part in file and folder's name
    • Can be composed of other templates (applied as layer)
    • Can ignore file / folder under conditions
    • Can store the content at the root of the folder or under the sub-folder template
  • Templates Hosting
    • On a local folder
    • On a hosted git repository (public / private, github / bitbucket/ gitlab / ...)
      • At the root of the repository
      • In a sub-folder of the repository
      • In any revision (branch, tag, commit)

Suggestions are welcomes ;-)

A list of alternatives is available on the wiki, feel free to complete / correct.



curl | bash

Or download the binary for your platform from github releases, then un-archive it and place it your PATH.

via homebrew (MacOs & Linux)

brew install ffizer/ffizer/ffizer-bin
ffizer upgrade

via cargo

# install pre-build binary via cargo-binstall
cargo binstall ffizer

# install from source
cargo install ffizer --force --features cli


❯ ffizer --help

ffizer is a files and folders initializer / generator.
It creates or updates any kind (or part) of project from template(s)

Usage: ffizer [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  apply             Apply a template into a target directory
  inspect           Inspect configuration, caches,... (wip)
  show-json-schema  Show the json schema of the .ffizer.yaml files
  test-samples      test a template against its samples
  help              Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --verbose...  Verbose mode (-v, -vv (very verbose / level debug), -vvv) print on stderr
  -h, --help        Print help information
  -V, --version     Print version information

Apply a template (to create or update)

❯ ffizer apply --help

Apply a template into a target directory

Usage: ffizer apply [OPTIONS] --source <URI> --destination <FOLDER>

      --confirm <CONFIRM>          ask for plan confirmation [default: Never] [possible values: auto, always, never]
      --update-mode <UPDATE_MODE>  mode to update existing file [default: Ask] [possible values: ask, keep, override, update-as-remote, current-as-local, show-diff, merge]
  -y, --no-interaction             should not ask for confirmation (to use default value, to apply plan, to override, to run script,...)
      --offline                    in offline, only local templates or cached templates are used
  -s, --source <URI>               uri / path of the template
      --rev <REV>                  git revision of the template [default: master]
      --source-subfolder <FOLDER>  path of the folder under the source uri to use for template
  -d, --destination <FOLDER>       destination folder (created if doesn't exist)
  -v, --variables <KEY_VALUE>      set variable's value from cli ("key=value")
  -h, --help                       Print help information
  -V, --version                    Print version information
  • use a local folder as template

    ffizer apply --source $HOME/my_templates/tmpl0 --destination my_project
  • use a remote git repository as template

    ffizer apply --source --destination my_project


    Configure variables
    ✔ project_name · my-project
    ✔ package_name · my_project
    Plan to execute
      - make dir        my_project
      - make dir         ├─dir_1
      - add file         │  └─file_1_1.txt
      - make dir         ├─dir_2_my-project
      - add file         │  └─file_1_2.txt
      - add file         ├─file_1.txt
      - add file         ├─file_2.txt
      - add file         ├─file_3.txt
      - add file         ├─file_4_my_project.txt
      - add file         ├─file_5_my-project.txt
      - add file         └─file_6.hbs

Authoring a template

Start with Template Authoring Tutorial

Few templates


cargo install cargo-make --force
cargo make ci-flow


cargo make update-changelog
git add
git commit -m ':memo: (CHANGELOG) update'

Release a new version by bump patch (or minoror major)

cargo make publish patch # dry-run
cargo make publish --execute patch