A simple CLI tool to combine individual sprites into spritesheets for factorio.
~$ spritter help
Spritesheet generator for factorio
Usage: spritter <COMMAND>
spritesheet Generate sprite sheets from a folder of images
icon Generate a mipmap icon from a folder of images
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
~$ spritter help spritesheet
Generate sprite sheets from a folder of images
Usage: spritter spritesheet [OPTIONS] <SOURCE> <OUTPUT>
<SOURCE> Folder containing the individual sprites
<OUTPUT> Output folder
-l, --lua
Enable lua output generation
-p, --prefix <PREFIX>
Prefix to add to the output file name [default: ]
-r, --recursive
Recursive search for images. Each folder will be a separate sprite sheet
-t, --tile-resolution <TILE_RESOLUTION>
Resolution of the input sprites in pixels / tile [default: 32]
Set when the output file should be considered to be HR (8k x 8k resolution limit).
When set the tile resolution will be set to 64 unless specified otherwise.
Set when the sprites should not be cropped
-a, --crop-alpha <CROP_ALPHA>
Sets the max alpha value to consider a pixel as transparent [0-255].
Use a higher value in case your inputs have slightly transparent pixels and don't crop nicely. [default: 0]
-s, --scale <SCALE>
Set a scaling factor to rescale the used sprites by.
Values < 1.0 will shrink the sprites. Values > 1.0 will enlarge them. [default: 1]
--scale-filter <SCALE_FILTER>
The scaling filter to use when scaling sprites [default: catmull-rom] [possible values: nearest, triangle, catmull-rom, gaussian, lanczos3]
~$ spritter help icon
Generate a mipmap icon from a folder of images
The individual images are used as the respective mip levels and combined into a single image
Usage: spritter icon [OPTIONS] <SOURCE> <OUTPUT>
<SOURCE> Folder containing the individual sprites
<OUTPUT> Output folder
-l, --lua
Enable lua output generation
-p, --prefix <PREFIX>
Prefix to add to the output file name