This was a fun university junior year C project that interprets and executes a custom language. We were given a grammar and tasked to tokenize and parse code written in the provided text files. The output should match each text files corresponding expected file.
Features of this program:
- Reads in one of the provided test files
- Parse the input file looking for tokens and build the statements
- Interpret and execute the custom code
- Output the result
- Clone the project and move to its directory
- Run
to build the executable - Run the program and redirect input from one of the test files
- e.g
./main.out < tests/switch_while.txt
- Verify output
This project was written for Linux so running on Visual Studio may require an installation of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
- Clone the project
- Open the solution file in Visual Studio
- Configure a connection to your WSL installation
- Run the program
- You can change input parameters from
Debug > interpreter Properties > Debugging > Program Arguments