I'm Filipe and in 2022 after several years working in Marketing and Sales I decided to change my career in order to improve personaly and professionaly.
So earlier in 2023 I started a 5 months code bootcamp in Mindera Code Academy and everything literaly changed for me. The pace was very fast, the learning rythm super intense, but the reward was just around the corner. Never in my dreams I have imagined to learn so much in a short period of time!
In my repository you can find some of the projects I've made along this journey, the first of them a quite basic and without help of any frameworks, others more complex and in group with other Minders that embraced this madness with me.
If you have any doubts or constructive feedback to give (positive or negative will always be apreciated) please let me know!
Right now I'm really looking forward to integrate a company and a team in order to continue to develop my skills, so if you feel me please hit one of my direct contacts:
📫 filbrandao87@gmail.com ⚡ https://www.linkedin.com/in/filbrandao/
Thank you!