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Python Kanban

A terminal-based interface written in pure Python for a very plain Kanban board.


pip install python-kanban


The simplest way to execute it is to run


in the command line. The navigation keys are (or should be) self-explanatory in the application.


This will create a kanban.db database file in the current folder. After quitting and running python_kanban again the same database will be loaded and the tasks are persisted.

If you wish to customize the database file or simply manage multiple files, you can set an environment variable with:

export DYNACONF_DB_FILE=another_database_file.db

and it will either create another another_database_file.db file or load it if already existing.

This is still a work in progress, the looks may be rough in the edges, but most of the main functionality is there already.

For developers

The project uses Python Poetry to manage dependencies. Check the website for installation instructions, or simply install it with

pip install poetry

After that, clone the repo and install dependencies with poetry install.

Here are the detailed steps that should be followed before making a pull request:

# Autopep8 and flake8 to be conformant with PEP8
poetry run autopep8 --recursive --aggressive --in-place .
poetry run flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
poetry run flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=79 --statistics

# Mypy for proper type hints
poetry run mypy --ignore-missing-imports .

Finally (and of course), make sure all tests pass and you get at least 95% of coverage:

poetry run pytest --cov=. --cov-report=term-missing --cov-fail-under=95 tests/

Notice there is a Github Actions continuous integration framework to test these conditions, so don't stress to much about them if you forget any step.

Release Notes and Changelog

Releases 0.2.X

Release 0.2.0

  • Add a delete confirmation view;
  • Add a category option for the todo;
  • Add "ESC" shortcut to leave an "add" or "edit" view without saving.

This version is not compatible with the previous one as there was a change in the database structure. This should be the only breaking changes in the software's life cycle.

Python support: Python >= 3.7

Releases 0.1.X

Release 0.1.0

  • Initial version.

Python support: Python >= 3.7


Terminal user interface for a Kanban board







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