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A search engine for answers.

The idea behind is to create a web app that gives the user the following options:

  • to create new answers
  • to search for an answer
  • to make comments
  • to list all answers
  • to list an answer
  • to upload files

You can see an online version here:

This app is a single page application, it has been developed using Backbone.js as framework.


The app has a main dashboard.

This contains:

  • a search box
  • a list showing the most recent answers inserted into the system
  • a list showing the most searched answers by any given user

Under search box, under the search input contains two links:

  • show all answers
  • create new answer

API structure:

  • search response: [{title, description, uri}, {}, ....]
  • most searched: [{title, description, uri}, {}, ....]
  • newest answers: [{title, description, uri}, {}, ....]


When a user starts typing into the search input, suggestions will be presented.

When the user types into the search input a request is made to the server and the servers via API returns a response. The response contains a list of answers each answer having at least a title, brief description and URI.

Once the suggestions are made available, the user can click on any title and by doing so, load the content of an answer.

Answer Detail Page

The answer detail page has the following components:

  • Answer's title
  • Answer's content (the answer to the question)
  • A list of all attachments.
  • Who created the answer.
  • When the answer was created
  • All comments made

The comments section has the following structure:

  • comment text
  • created by
  • created at
  • list of attachments

The comment itself is a RESTful resource.

What else the page has is:

  • a create comment (with the option to upload files) form
  • a link which on click will load the create comment form inside a modal

API response structure: {title, content, createdBy, createdAt, files: [{fileName, fileURI}, {}, ....], comments:[{text, createdBy, createdAt, files: [{fileName, fileURI}, {}, ....]}, {}, ....]}

Create a new answer

To create a new answer the user should click on the create answer link. Once this happens, a create answer form is opened inside a modal.

The form has the following components:

  • title
  • content
  • the option to upload files

When the user click on the save button, the modal will offer the following options:

  • create new question
  • close modal
  • go the the just created answer

Create a new comment

The link for adding a new comment to an answer is located on the right side where the comments section starts inside the answer page.

When the user clicks on that link a modal is opened asking the following informations:

  • content of the comment
  • list of the files to upload

Show all answers page

The previous page shows the list of all answers. It uses jQuery DataTables.

The table has for columns:

  • title
  • created by
  • created ad
  • total number of comments

In the project directory, launch to install dependencies:

npm install
bower install


You have to install also the dependencies in the test folder

cd test bower install


grunt server


grunt serve:test


A search engine for answers






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