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Releases: finsweet/webflow-addons

[Disable scrolling] Several improvements

22 Apr 10:51
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  • Added fs-preserve-scroll attribute for all click triggers.
  • The display triggers will now look for the first scrollable element to use it as the target.
  • Added global reserveScrollBarGap param that can be set both in the function params or in the script attributes with fs-preserve-gap.

Major update: replaced all attributes from using data- prefix to use fs- prefix.

19 Apr 11:51
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  • Replaced all attributes from using data- prefix to use fs- prefix.
  • Added new documentation to each addon.

Created mirror-events addon

18 Apr 11:24
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[Display Style Values] Debounced the window resize callback to improve performance

16 Apr 19:11
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[Copy to clipboard] Added new features

15 Apr 22:02
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  • Element properties
  • @Attribute [data-copy] Accepts a query selector (id "#" or CSS Class ".") or a text string
  • @Attribute [data-copied-message] Message to be displayed after copying
  • @Attribute [data-copied-duration] Duration that the data-copied text will be displayed
  • <script> tag properties
  • @Attribute [data-copy-selector] Accepts a query selector that will instantiate all the matched elements
  • @Attribute [data-copied-message] Message to be displayed after copying. It will affect all of the elements
  • @Attribute [data-copied-duration] Duration that the data-copied text will be displayed. It will affect all of the elements

[Display Style Values] Added data-display-viewport attribute. Upgraded groupped targets

11 Apr 17:58
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  • Added data-display-viewport attribute. The attribute takes ANY pixel value, like data-display-viewport="768px" or data-display-viewport="1580px". If set, the outputted CSS value will be the one that the element has on that specific viewport width.
  • Added window.onresize handler. Now all values will be updated if the viewport is resized.
  • Upgradded groupped targets functionality. Now all children elements of the parent wrapper will inherit the parent's attributes. Example: If the data-display-group="wrapper" element has the attribute data-display-property="true", all children will automatically display the property name without having to set the attribute to each one.

[Display Style Values] Fixed data-display-property's output spacing

11 Apr 10:18
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[Display Style Values] Fixed semicolon not being displayed in the data-display-property="css-block" option.

11 Apr 08:27
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Fixed semicolon not being displayed in the data-display-property="css-block" option.

[Display style values] Added data-display-property attribute

11 Apr 08:20
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Added data-display-property attribute: If used, the property name will also be displayed.
Available options:

  • data-display-property="true" will output as property-name: property-value.
  • data-display-property="css" will output as property-name: property-value;.
  • data-display-property="css-block" will output as { property-name: property-value }.

[Display style values] Fixed wrong groupped from selector

10 Apr 16:01
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