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scotch222 edited this page Aug 10, 2017 · 9 revisions


Public Sandbox Description

StockTwits is the largest social network for investors and traders to contribute ideas on trading, sentiment, and breaking news, in real time. With over 70 thousand messages a day, StockTwits provides a global perspective to local trends in the market.


Contact Details
Social Media

Sandbox Member:

  • Data Provider Since: { provider_start_date }

Contact Information

Profile Name Role Email Address LinkedIn Twitter Slack Skills
{ person1_name } { person1_role } { person1_email } { person1_linkedin } { person1_twitter } { person1_slack } { person1_skills }

Available products

StockTwits Firehose

The low latency, live feed of ALL messages posted to StockTwits, pushed chronologically into a single endpoint.

StockTwits API

A restful API providing limited or full call access to specific $TICKER stream content.

Business Model Specs:

  • Cost or Licensing Structures: { product1_costs }

Technical Specs:

  • Delivery Method: { product1_delivery_method }
  • Update Frequency: { product1_update_frequency }

Marketing Materials (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

  • { product1_marketing_doc_1 }
  • { product1_marketing_doc_2 }

Technical Documents (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

  • { product1_technical_doc_1 }
  • { product1_technical_doc_2 }


{ review1_sandbox_member }: { review1_date }

{ review1_text }

{ review2_sandbox_member }: { review2_date }

{ review2_text }


StockTwits is a financial communication platform mainly for equity investors. Users can use the analysis of online discussion on stocks to make investment decisions. More than 300,000 investors and public companies use StockTwits, producing an online audience of over 40 million. In addition, StockTwits has a channel for institutional users to send out their messages out broadly.
Company website:

Types of Featured Data:

  • US and Canada equity tickers and currency pairs can be identified in StockTwits.
  • All types of securities can be searched as individual topics if anyone has created the stream.
  • The company created the $TICKER tag to enable and organize “streams” of information around stocks across the web and social media.
    • These streams provide new forms of information used by investors and institutions as they research stocks.
    • Users, which include analysts, media and investors of all types, as well as the public companies themselves, contribute to the stream.
  • StockTwits stream across many financial sites including Yahoo! Finance, CNNMoney, Reuters,, and The Globe and Mail.

Data Access:

  • APIs can be used to request data after obtaining authorization or tokens.
    • Unauthenticated APIs are permitted 200 requests per hour.
    • Authenticated APIs are permitted 400 requests per hour.
    • More details are available here.
  • Online search:
    • StockTwits organizes conversations around the $TICKER tag (i.e. $AAPL) into “streams” to find information.
    • Search for stocks, explore trending tickers and follow links to the stream of a related stock or an individual user.

Data Formats:

  • StockTwits supports the JSON format.

Integration with Analytical Tools:

  • Browser extensions and website widgets are available.
  • Integrated with major social platforms, including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


Data Providers

Sandbox Participants


  • Data Agreement
  • Product Development Pipeline
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