Running make replace-rtl PLATFORM=vitis from firesim will copy cl_firesim into a secondary directory and populate it with the necessary sources. We'll call this subdirectory, WORKDIR.
make bitstream
to build an XCLBIN that can be deployed to a U250. Bitstream builds run under the $WORDIR/bitstream
make sim
to build a XCLBIN that can be deployed as an FPGA_level metasimulator (hardware emulation in Vitis parlance). Most generated
files are found under $WORKDIR/simulation.
make run-sim
to run metasimulation using rv64ui-p-simple. The simulator is launched under $WORKDIR/simulation/*.run/
The vitis compiler (v++) can be fairly opaque due to multiple layers of TCL wrapping which abstract the underlying calls to Vivado.
A typical v++ linking log may appear as follows: [12:50:32] Run vpl: Step create_bd: Started [12:51:15] Run vpl: Step create_bd: Completed [12:51:15] Run vpl: Step update_bd: Started [12:51:16] Run vpl: Step update_bd: Completed [12:51:16] Run vpl: Step generate_target: Started [12:54:58] Run vpl: Step generate_target: Completed [12:54:58] Run vpl: Step config_hw_runs: Started [12:56:01] Run vpl: Step config_hw_runs: Completed [12:56:01] Run vpl: Step synth: Started [12:56:32] Block-level synthesis in progress, 0 of 250 jobs complete, 1 job running. ... [13:08:05] Top-level synthesis in progress. ... [13:09:49] Run vpl: Step synth: Completed [13:09:49] Run vpl: Step impl: Started
Xilinx gives an overview of the generated directory structure
but does not describe the files themselves. Intermediate outputs are stored at
location specified by v++'s --temp_dir command-line argument. We'll call this $TEMP
Most of the interesting work for Linking is done under $TEMP/link/vivado/vpl,
with a generated Vivado project found under prj/
. If you're familiar with a
project-based Vivado flow, you'll know roughly where to look for things.
Here's an overview of this subdirectory:
open_prj.tcl -- Script to reopen the vivado project after an attempted lin prj/ -- root of generated vivado project prj.xpr -- the project itself prj.srcs/ prj.runs/ -- outputs from various vivado steps. See runme.log in each subdir output. <many_block_level_synth_runs> -- the outer project uses at ton of IP blocks my_rm_synth_1/ -- Final block-level synthesis run? ulp_firesim_1_0_synth_1 -- Synthesis of FireSim verilog contained here. impl_/ -- Output from link_design, opt_design, implementation contained here
This project can be re-opened interactively using cd $BUILD/vivado/vpl/ vivado -source openprj.tcl
- I put one built bitstream under /scratch/biancolin/xclbins. You should be able to rebuild the default driver
by typing
make vitis
under sim/. - Scripts to reflash FPGAs second stage shells and reset can be found under scripts/