Making WordPress development as awesome. PressPass is one simple command to download and install a WordPress installation, and start a local webserver to start developing without any extra configuration fuzz.
PressPass is available as a gem:
gem install presspass
To generate a new installation of WordPress:
presspass new <app_name>
This will download the latest version of WordPress and install it into the <app_name> directory. It will also generate a Procfile
that starts a PHP development server of your WordPress installation when you run:
$ gem install foreman
$ foreman start
$ open http://localhost:8000
To serve your WordPress development environment using Pow and have nice local development domain names, add a symlink to port 8000:
$ echo "8000" > ~/.pow/myblog
$ open
Please read to learn how you can hook PressPass into your theme development workflow and be awesome.
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