super fast cartesian product
before v1.0.0
this module was not focusing on speed, now it's split into to two modules:
focusing on speed, and only work on arrays(arrayLikes is also supported, but not recommended)
focusing on unlimited combinations, less memory, more types, if you need more powerful tool, use this one
import fastCartesianProduct from 'fast-cartesian-product'
const inputs = [
[0, 1],
['A', 'B'],
// [ [ 0, 'A' ], [ 0, 'B' ], [ 1, 'A' ], [ 1, 'B' ] ]
more examples
git clone
cd fast-cartesian-product
node -r esm examples/standard-52-card-deck.js
├─ index.js ( UMD )
├─ index.min.js ( UMD, compressed )
├─ index.cjs ( CommonJS )
├─ index.mjs ( ES Module )
└─ index.min.mjs ( ES Module, compressed )
Returns: array of combinations
type: array