Transforming textiles into an intuitive way to interact with computers. This project is part of an electronic textiles research on HCI gesture interaction that was started in 2005.
- Author/developer: Maurin Donneaud
- Repository:
- Project web page:
- License: CC-BY-SA (see the License file)
Using a fabric to sense the touch is now possible with the eTextile matrix sensor. The eTextile matrix sensor is a development kit for designers, makers and companies who want to combine textile and programing into new eTextile projects. This kit features 30cm by 30cm sensitive textile that allow multi touch sensing and pressures topographic analysis. This textile sensor can be connected to any microcontrollers with ADC capabilities. The electronic hardware and all the software are fully open source. The demo codes are available for Arduino and Teensy MCUs. We will soon release a BLE demo to interface this textile matrix sensor with any mobile devices. Made out of conductive textile shaped in rows and columns and a layer of piezoresistive fabric, this textile sensor is designed to be easy to make. The demo software perform a real time 3D visualization of all pressure applied onto the fabric sensor. This software analyses the touch to trigger OSC messages that can be used in audio application such as PureData, SuperCollider, etc. From the beginning this project stimulates the development of technologies in artistic use cases: playing music, combine graphics and sound, imagine objects that can have tactile properties, etc.
- Arduino firmware: work with Teensy 3.1 & 3.2
- OpenFrameworks software: real time 3D visualization and OSC communication
- Open Hardware PCB made with Upverter: GERBER files to produce the PCB
- Open Hardware DIY eTextile sensor: see the HOWTO.pdf
- NIME17 - Designing a Multi-Touch eTextile for Music Performances.
- Maurin Donneaud, Cedric Honnet, Paul Strohmeier
- MOCO17 - Music Skin: Fabric Interface for Expressive Music Control.
- Maurin Donneaud, Cedric Honnet, Paul Strohmeier
If you want a sensor just drop me an eMail at I make all sensors bay hand. It take one or two days to make it and send it by post. All sensors are tested before shipping. If you have any mistake I will help you to fix it or replace it.