##Description: This is a authentication module to be used for testing access control of the QV product. This should never be used in production scenarios as it is lacking security.
- Install nodejs found at http://nodejs.org/
- Download the AccessControlTestModule.zip
- Unzip AccessControlTestModule
- From the command prompt go to the directory where you unzipped AccessControTestModule
- Enter npm install in the command prompt to install the dependencies for the module.
- Go to the Qlik Management Console (QMC) and export certificates for the host that AccessControlTestModule is running on with a password (check secrets key checkbox) of your choosing.
- Copy client.pfx and server.pfx certificates from C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Repository\Exported Certificates[host] to the directory where you unzipped AccessControlTestModule. Note, if you are not using the Qlik Self Signed Certificate, then export your server.pfx from your OS's Certificate Manager program.
- Edit config.js with the password, config.port, config.RESTURI, and config.REDIRECT of your choice
- From the command prompt go to the directory where you unzipped AccessControTestModule and enter "node AccessControlTestModule.js"
- In QMC, add a virtual proxy to the proxy with prefix "custom", Authentication module redirect URI "https://[server]:[port], (default port is 8185) Session cookie header name to "X-Qlik-Session-custom" and press OK and then Save.
- In QMC, add a User or Login security access rule for your userDirectory. The default userDirectory='QVNCYCLES'
##Modify Users: To add or change users edit the SelectUser.htm file.
To add a new user add this section in the table, userid is the "value" attribute:
<option value="bbr">Bryan Baker (bbr) - Vice President of Sales</option>
To change the userDirectory name, change the "name" attribute of the following line:
<select id="UserList" class="UserLogin" name="QVNCYCLES" onchange="doLogin(this);">
- Access the platform on https://[Qlik Sense proxy server]/custom/hub or https://[Qlik Sense proxy server]/custom/qmc and you will be redirected to the authentication module where SelectUser.htm page will be displayed.