- Build the basic framework and design the coding style.
- Multi-parameter player controller.
- Polygoncollider2D needs to be generated from the mesh, and concave polygons need to be supported.
- Accurate clipping, and the minimum number of game objects mounted.
- Add move following and rotation following states to the SlicerController.
- The camera controller, based on Cinemachine cameras, requires enough pithy.
- The AI of game NPCS requires high scalability and state-based production.
- Optimal handling of physical collisions in which multiple objects physically form an assembly.
- It can detect complex physical collisions without using rigid body components.
- Portal, Total War Simulator like level editor, edit the level while the game is running.
The algorithm of generating polygoncollider2D mesh based on mesh triangle is completed, and the performance is good, and it supports concave polygon.
- The core idea of the algorithm is to find all triangles according to mesh and make them two-dimensional, and remove redundant, intersecting triangles and vertices that do not form a triangle. Finally, a greedy algorithm is used to generate polygoncollider2D. I am glad that Unity mesh models are already triangulated, which saves me a lot of trouble.
Very accurate slicer box, and the parameters are very concise, the code logic is good.
- Based on Ezy-Slice. A slicer box is generated based on some mathematical and linear algebra calculations, and the object pool framework is used. So far, slicer box is working very well.