Some useful custom hooks for React by fliegwerk
This project is a collection of custom hooks for React used in fliegwerk and by fliegwerk. All hooks are written in Typescript for better typings and IDE integrations.
We maybe release these hooks as a package in the future, but currently there are no ambitions to do so. This repo is more like a general store and share for custom hooks.
So, if you have any nice custom hooks to share or hook/functionality ideas, please open a pull request or an issue!
We also included some coding standards, that you must follow.
We are using Prettier for code style and ESLint for code syntax checks. We also included some deepscans to check for vulnerable code.
Every hook obtains its own file.
Please include some nice JSDoc to your custom hook, if possible.
Before you commit, please run:
$ npm run check
to check your code for styling and syntax.
If you have any issues or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or write us:
This is a project by fliegwerk: