- Florian Chlan
- François Farquet
- Joachim Hugonot (team leader)
- Simon Rodriguez
- Kristof Szabo
- Florian Vessaz
- Guo Xinyi
- Vincent Zellweger
List address: bd15-crowdsourced@groupes.epfl.ch
- Immanuel Trummer
You'll need:
- a Java SDK, preferably OpenJDK 7 or a later version
- Apache Maven (https://maven.apache.org/)
Those dependencies are available in the repository of nearly all GNU/Linux
distribution. (Usually under the names openjdk*
, mvn
or maven
. For other
platform, see the installation instructions on the respective project web pages.
Our project has been tested to compile and run on GNU/Linux, OSX and Windows.
Once those two dependencies installed, run mvn package
, this will download
the libraries we depend on, compile the code and create the JAR-file
. This JAR-file contains all
the dependencies thus you can execute it on any computer.
Run java -jar target/crowdsourced-1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
You need to create a credentials.txt containing your AMT account informations. To do so:
cp credentials.example.txt credentials.txt
editor credentials.txt
And replace each line with the relevant information. For instance, the content could be:
Note: the credentials.txt file must be in the current directory when running the JAR-file.