All contracts were deployed and verified on Polygon Testnet for a demonstration purpose, please only use test MATIC to interact with them, get test MATIC here.
To interact with smart contracts in this repo, add and switch to the Polygon Testnet network, here is a guide to connect Polygon Testnet to Metamask.
Draft white paper (to be updated):
Meetcap is a standard upgradable burnable ERC20 token, with the owner is a 3-of-5 multisig wallet (it requires 3 out of 5 existing private keys to authorize transactions.)
Name: Meetcap
Symbol: MCAP
Network: Polygon
Max supply: (10B)
Initial circulating supply: 300.000.000 (300M) - 3% of the max supply.
Proxy contract address: 0x258cb74F12F0e46A8bF6842ea7a945739A362053
Implementation contract address: 0x4F8209705441182f38120374CeF15770Ff3c99bD
Owner (multisig addresses): 0x589a4eAadc2604F0D6449Efd237764408C038C87
The token contract owner was tranferred to multisig addresses from the original deployer, see transanction info at Transaction Hash: 0x9a8756a52d6b0163170ba59a95aa0b2b7b4fd836126568dac01449bfdb6b0ed1
TokenVestingSchedule is a contract that holds the logic of the timelock and vesting schedules of major MCAP token holders.
Note: If a token holder did not release MCAP tokens after a vesting phase, they would get an accumulating amount of MCAP tokens when they decide to release it.
MCAP tokens Vesting Schedule:
Distribution | Amount | % | Release Schedule | Address |
Ecosystem & Development | 2.5B | 25% | 180-day cliff, followed by 5% monthly vesting for 5 months, then 3% monthly vesting for 25 months | 0x8c2e47DD593D74Cb18A3F821F6c727006DE9aB29 |
Founding team | 1.9B | 19% | 180-day cliff, followed by 5% monthly vesting for 5 months, then 3% monthly vesting for 25 months | 0x03749Ad13De695070135C8F1709404e8A17990a2 |
Company reserve | 1.5B | 15% | 180-day cliff, followed by 5% monthly vesting for 5 months, then 3% monthly vesting for 25 months | 0x667ff534e713077B6787eF40660022b058b68D36 |
Public sale | 1.45B | 14.5% | 20% per month for 5 months starting from day 0 | 0xE6757B473C2acb1cE598AcF9fa09A3a4DA882154 |
Community & Token rewards | 0.8B | 8% | 180-day cliff, followed by 5% monthly vesting for 5 months, then 3% monthly vesting for 25 months | 0xE06c357eDb891de4A815B4650785C3d889180Ee0 |
Marketing | 0.75B | 7.5% | 180-day cliff, followed by 5% monthly vesting for 5 months, then 3% monthly vesting for 25 months | 0x9A5f0eAdad6692c3e2b73a76c31ABF394e77bF3A |
Strategic partners | 0.5B | 5% | 180-day cliff, followed by 5% monthly vesting for 5 months, then 3% monthly vesting for 25 months | 0x8A599960255EaD75F2cA4cddc1e9dA2f4f0544dE |
Presale | 0.3B | 3% | Unlocked | 0xF818d79D7A995dB4237B85715Bc51085960897BE |
Advisor | 0.2B | 2% | 180-day cliff, followed by 5% monthly vesting for 5 months, then 3% monthly vesting for 25 months | 0x84cfed191A4E5aee3282B50bDC0080f5Abb9a323 |
Private Sale | 0.1B | 1% | 180-day cliff, followed by 5% monthly vesting for 5 months, then 3% monthly vesting for 25 months | 0xa0a68F7DbD159F7781A07E942cF67B236b4F3aCe |
MeetcapPresale is a smart contract that holds the logic for the presale of Meetcap tokens, with the rate is 1500 TDG tokens/ 1 MATIC.
To get MCAP
tokens in MeetcapPresale contract, there are 3 ways:
The transaction will be revert if:
- The presale has already been ended.
- You want to buy MCAP tokens amount that exceeds the presale balance.
2. Connect to web3 on Mumbai Polygonscan and directly interact with MeetcapPresale smart contract.
The transaction will be reverted if:
- The presale has already been ended.
- You want to buy MCAP tokens amount that exceeds the presale balance.
- You buy with 0 MATIC
- The beneficiary address is the zero address.