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React Select Menu

Simple Select Menu working with React


Install react-select-menu with npm

npm i @fsmnk/react-select-menu

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import Select from '@fsmnk/react-select-menu';

function App() {
  const options = [
    { value: 'Option 0' },
    { value: 'Option 1' },
    { value: 'Option 2' },
      label: 'Group 1',
      options: [
        { value: 'Option 3' },
        { value: 'Option 4' },
        { value: 'Option 5' },

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Select id="id" options={options} />

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Option format

  value: string; // required
  isDisabled: boolean; // optional
  isVisible: boolean; // optional

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Group format

  label: string; // required
  options: Option[]; // optional

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Name Required Default Type Example
id yes undefined string Click
options yes undefined Array Click
className no '' string Click
style no undefined Object Click
defaultValue no undefined string Click
placeholder no undefined string Click
label no undefined string Click
zIndex no 1 number Click
offset no undefined Object Click
isDisabled no false boolean Click
isClearable no false boolean Click
isSearchable no false boolean Click
isForcedOpen no false boolean Click
isRequired no false boolean Click
closeOnSelect no true boolean Click
onChange no undefined function Click
onClose no undefined function Click
onCreate no undefined function Click
onFocus no undefined function Click
onOpen no undefined function Click
onSelect no undefined function Click

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Props Examples


id is used to add a unique id to link label to the input

<Select id="example-id" options={options} />

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options is an Array of Object, used to generate the list in the Select-Menu

const options = [
  { value: 'Option 0' },
  { value: 'Option 1' },
  { value: 'Option 2' },

<Select id="id" options={options} />;

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className simply add classes to the component

<Select id="id" options={options} className="class1 class2 class3" />

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style is used to add custom style to components

const customStyle = {
  select: {
    backgroundColor: 'red',
  }, // optional
  input: {
    padding: '1rem',
  }, // optional
  menu: {
    color: 'blue',
  }, // optional
  list: {
    backgroundColor: 'green',
  }, // optional
  item: {
    color: 'purple',
  }, // optional

<Select id="id" options={options} style={customStyle} />;

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defaultValue is the default value of the input (when component created)

const options = [
  { value: 'Option 0' },
  { value: 'Option 1' },
  { value: 'Option 2' },

<Select id="id" options={options} defaultValue={options[0].value} />;

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placeholder is the placeholder of the input

<Select id="id" options={options} placeholder="Placeholder example" />

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label of the input, linked with the id prop

<Select id="id" options={options} label="Label example" />

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offset is the X (left) & Y (top) placement of the menu from the input

const customOffset = {
    top: 50, // in px
    left: 100, // in px

<Select id="id" options={options} offset={customOffset} />

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zIndex is the z-index of the component

<Select id="id" options={options} zIndex={10} />

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isDisabled disable or not the input

<Select id="id" options={options} isDisabled />

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isClearable add the possibility to clear the input value (icon appear when input value isn't null)

<Select id="id" options={options} isClearable />

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isSearchable add the possibility to search for option from input value

<Select id="id" options={options} isSearchable />

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isForcedOpen tell that the menu is always open

<Select id="id" options={options} isForcedOpen />

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isRequired tell that the input value is required

<Select id="id" options={options} isRequired />

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closeOnSelect tell that the menu is closed or not when an item is selected

<Select id="id" options={options} closeOnSelect={false} />

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onChange trigger when input value change

<Select id="id" options={options} onChange={() => console.log('onChange')} />

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onClose trigger when menu is closed

<Select id="id" options={options} onClose={() => console.log('onClose')} />

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onCreate trigger when component is create

<Select id="id" options={options} onCreate={() => console.log('onCreate')} />

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onFocus trigger when input is focused

<Select id="id" options={options} onFocus={() => console.log('onFocus')} />

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onOpen trigger when menu is opened

<Select id="id" options={options} onOpen={() => console.log('onOpen')} />

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onSelect trigger when option is selected

<Select id="id" options={options} onSelect={() => console.log('onSelect')} />

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