Jabber Object Access Protocol XEP-0075 library for node-xmpp.
With package manager npm:
npm install node-xmpp-joap
import joap from "node-xmpp-joap";
import xmpp from "node-xmpp";
const app = new joap.Application(new xmpp.Component({
jid : "mycomponent",
password : "secret",
host : "",
port : "8888"
app.use((req, res, next) => {
console.log(`received a ${req.type} request`);
app.read((req, res, next) => {
console.log("received a read request");
res.end({ foo: "bar" });
is equivalent to
app.use((req, res, next) => {
if (req.type === 'read') {
console.log("received a read request");
res.end({ foo: "bar" });
} else {
import xmpp from "node-xmpp";
import joap from "node-xmpp-joap";
const comp = new xmpp.Component({
jid : "mycomponent",
password : "secret",
host : "",
port : "8888"
class User {
constructor(id, options={}){
this.id = id;
// create a new manager instance
const mgr = new joap.Manager(comp);
// add a class
mgr.addClass("User", User, {
required: ["name", "age"],
protected: ["id"],
constructorAttributes: ["id", "options"]
// implement the ACL by overriding the method
mgr.hasPermission = (action, next) => {
if (myACLRules(action)) {
next(null, action);
} else {
next(new joap.Error("You are not allowed to do that :-P"), 403);
xmpp = require "node-xmpp"
joap = require "node-xmpp-joap"
comp = new xmpp.Component
jid : "mycomponent"
password : "secret"
host : ""
port : "8888"
# create a new client instance
c = new joap.Client comp
# requesting the server description
c.describe "joap.server.tld", (err, iq, parsedDescription) ->
# requesting a class description
c.describe "user@server.tld", (err, iq, parsedDescription) ->
# creating a new instance
c.add "use@server.tld", { name:"My Name" }, (err, iq, instanceAddress) ->
# reading an instance
c.read "user@server.tld/instanceId", (err, iq, parsedResult) ->
# reading only a few properties of an instance
c.read "user@server.tld/instanceId", ["email", "age"], (err, iq, parsedResult) ->
# modifying properties of an instance
c.edit "user@server.tld/instanceId", { age: 27 }, (err, iq) ->
# deleting an instance
c.delete "user@server.tld/instanceId", (err, iq) ->
# searching for instances
c.search "user@server.tld", {age: 60} , err, iq, arrayOfInstanceIDs) ->
# performing a method call
c.methodCall "myMethod", "user@server.tld/instanceId", ["param1","param2"], (err, iq, result) ->
If you want to persist the objects in a database you can simply override the
methods saveInstance
, loadInstance
and deleteInstance
In this example we use nStore.
nStore = require "nstore"
# create database
users = nStore.new './data/users.db', (err) ->
if err?
console.error err
# override
mgr.saveInstance = (action, obj, next) ->
if action.class is "User"
users.save obj.id, obj, (err) -> next err, action
next (new Error "Storage for this class is not available"), a
# override
mgr.loadInstance = (action, next) ->
if action.class is "User"
users.get id, (err, inst) -> next err, action, inst
next (new Error "Storage for this class is not available"), a
# override
mgr.queryInstances = (a, next) ->
if a.class is "User"
if a.attributess?
@users.find a.attributes, (err, res) -> next err, a, (id for id of res)
@users.all (err, res) -> next err, a, (id for id of res)
next (new Error "Storage for this class is not available"), a
# override
mgr.deleteInstance = (a, next) ->
if a.class is "User"
users.remove id, (err) -> next err, a
next (new Error "Storage for this class is not available"), a
xmpp = require "node-xmpp"
joap = require "node-xmpp-joap"
comp = new xmpp.Component
jid : "mycomponent"
password : "secret"
host : ""
port : "8888"
classes = {}
objects = {}
router = new joap.Router comp
router.on "action", (a) ->
if a.class? and a.instance? and a.type is "read"
router.sendResponse a, objects[a.class][a.instance]
router.on "read", (action) ->
console.log "read iq received"
router.on "edit", (action) ->
console.log "edit iq received"
router.on "add", (action) ->
console.log "add iq received"
if not classes[action.class]?
router.sendError (new joap.Error "'#{action.class}' does't exists.", 404), action
# ...
router.on "search", (action) ->
router.on "rpc", (action) ->
console.log "calling #{action.method} with:"
for param in actions.params
console.log param
npm install
npm test
- describe support
node-xmpp-joap is licensed under the MIT-Licence (see LICENSE.txt)