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Merge pull request #1448 from mloiseleur/docs/autocomplete #2391

Merge pull request #1448 from mloiseleur/docs/autocomplete

Merge pull request #1448 from mloiseleur/docs/autocomplete #2391

Workflow file for this run

name: e2e
- "docs/**"
- "hack/**"
- "logos/**"
- "rfcs/**"
- "tools/**"
- "*.md"
- main
contents: read # for actions/checkout to fetch code
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@b80ff79f1755d06ba70441c368a6fe801f5f3a62 # v4.0.0
- name: Setup YQ
uses: frenck/action-setup-yq@c4b5be8b4a215c536a41d436757d9feb92836d4f # v1.0.2
version: 4.14.2
- name: Setup Go
uses: actions/setup-go@cdcb36043654635271a94b9a6d1392de5bb323a7 # v5.0.1
go-version-file: go.mod
cache-dependency-path: |
- name: Cache Docker layers
uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4.0.2
id: cache
path: /tmp/.buildx-cache
key: ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-ghcache-${{ github.sha }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-buildx-ghcache-
- name: Setup Kubernetes
uses: helm/kind-action@0025e74a8c7512023d06dc019c617aa3cf561fde # v1.10.0
version: v0.18.0
node_image: kindest/node:v1.24.12@sha256:1e12918b8bc3d4253bc08f640a231bb0d3b2c5a9b28aa3f2ca1aee93e1e8db16
cluster_name: kind
- name: Setup Kustomize
uses: fluxcd/pkg/actions/kustomize@1bfad582060d2d6e464756fbd5d7a2b2fa4f75b9 # main
- name: Setup Kubectl
uses: fluxcd/pkg/actions/kubectl@1bfad582060d2d6e464756fbd5d7a2b2fa4f75b9 # main
- name: Check if working tree is dirty
run: |
if [[ $(git diff --stat) != '' ]]; then
git --no-pager diff
echo 'run make test and commit changes'
exit 1
- name: Build the tofu-controller container image
run: |
docker buildx use default
make docker-buildx MANAGER_IMG=test/tofu-controller RUNNER_IMG=test/tf-runner TAG=$VERSION
- name: Load test images into KIND
run: |
kind load docker-image test/tofu-controller:$VERSION
kind load docker-image test/tf-runner:$VERSION
- name: Install CRDs
run: make install
- name: Deploy controllers
run: |
# Patch env RUNNER_POD_IMAGE to be test/tf-runner:$VERSION
yq -i e ".spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[1].value=\"test/tf-runner:$VERSION\"" config/manager/manager.yaml
# Dev deploy - do it twice to make sure the CRDs get in first
make dev-deploy MANAGER_IMG=test/tofu-controller RUNNER_IMG=test/tf-runner TAG=$VERSION || true
make dev-deploy MANAGER_IMG=test/tofu-controller RUNNER_IMG=test/tf-runner TAG=$VERSION
# All of these old cert would be cleaned up by GC at the start of the test
kubectl -n tofu-system apply -f config/testdata/gc-old-certs/test.yaml
# Increase the concurrency of the controller to speed up tests
# --cert-rotation-check-frequency=6m0s, then GC will run every 1 minute
kubectl patch deployment \
tofu-controller \
--namespace tofu-system \
--type='json' \
-p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args", "value": [
kubectl -n tofu-system rollout status deploy/source-controller --timeout=1m
kubectl -n tofu-system rollout status deploy/tofu-controller --timeout=1m
- name: Get terraform version
run: |
# Terraform binary will be moved from the ToFu-controller image to TF-runner, so we check TF's version there
docker run --rm --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/terraform test/tf-runner:$VERSION version
- name: Add git repository source
run: |
kubectl -n tofu-system apply -f ./config/testdata/source
kubectl -n tofu-system wait gitrepository/helloworld --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
kubectl -n tofu-system wait ocirepository/helloworld-oci --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
- name: Run approvePlan tests
run: |
kubectl -n tofu-system apply -f ./config/testdata/approve-plan
kubectl -n tofu-system wait terraform/helloworld-auto-approve --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
kubectl -n tofu-system wait terraform/helloworld-oci-auto-approve --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
kubectl -n tofu-system wait terraform/helloworld-manual-approve --for=condition=plan=true --timeout=4m
# delete after tests
kubectl -n tofu-system delete -f ./config/testdata/approve-plan
- name: Run plan with pod cleanup tests
run: |
kubectl -n tofu-system apply -f ./config/testdata/always-clean-pod
kubectl -n tofu-system wait terraform/helloworld-always-clean-pod-manual-approve --for=condition=plan=true --timeout=4m
# negate pod not found to be true
! kubectl -n tofu-system get terraform/helloworld-always-clean-pod-manual-approve-tf-runner
# delete after tests
kubectl -n tofu-system delete -f ./config/testdata/always-clean-pod
- name: Run drift detection tests
run: |
kubectl -n tofu-system apply -f ./config/testdata/drift-detection
# apply should be true first
kubectl -n tofu-system wait terraform/helloworld-drift-detection --for=condition=apply=true --timeout=4m
# patch .spec.approvePlan to "disable"
kubectl -n tofu-system patch terraform/helloworld-drift-detection -p '{"spec":{"approvePlan":"disable"}}' --type=merge
kubectl -n tofu-system wait terraform/helloworld-drift-detection --for=condition=ready=true --timeout=4m
# disable drift detection
# the object should work correctly
kubectl -n tofu-system wait terraform/helloworld-drift-detection-disable --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
# delete after tests
kubectl -n tofu-system delete -f ./config/testdata/drift-detection
- name: Run healthchecks tests
run: |
kubectl -n tofu-system apply -f ./config/testdata/healthchecks
kubectl -n tofu-system wait terraform/helloworld-healthchecks --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
# delete after tests
kubectl -n tofu-system delete -f ./config/testdata/healthchecks
- name: Run vars tests
run: |
kubectl -n tofu-system apply -f ./config/testdata/vars
kubectl -n tofu-system wait terraform/helloworld-vars --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
# delete after tests
kubectl -n tofu-system delete -f ./config/testdata/vars
- name: Run multi-tenancy test
run: |
kubectl -n tofu-system scale --replicas=3 deploy/tofu-controller
kustomize build ./config/testdata/multi-tenancy/tenant01 | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build ./config/testdata/multi-tenancy/tenant02 | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl -n tf-tenant01-dev wait terraform/helloworld-tenant01-dev --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
kubectl -n tf-tenant01-prd wait terraform/helloworld-tenant01-prd --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
kubectl -n tf-tenant02-dev wait terraform/helloworld-tenant02-dev --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
kubectl -n tf-tenant02-prd wait terraform/helloworld-tenant02-prd --for=condition=ready --timeout=4m
# delete after tests
kubectl -n tf-tenant01-dev delete terraform --all
kubectl -n tf-tenant01-prd delete terraform --all
kubectl -n tf-tenant02-dev delete terraform --all
kubectl -n tf-tenant02-prd delete terraform --all
kubectl -n tf-tenant01-dev delete gitrepository --all
kubectl -n tf-tenant01-prd delete gitrepository --all
kubectl -n tf-tenant02-dev delete gitrepository --all
kubectl -n tf-tenant02-prd delete gitrepository --all
kubectl delete ns tf-tenant01-dev
kubectl delete ns tf-tenant01-prd
kubectl delete ns tf-tenant02-dev
kubectl delete ns tf-tenant02-prd
- name: Set up chaos testing environment
run: |
kubectl -n tofu-system scale --replicas=0 deploy/tofu-controller
sleep 3
kubectl -n chaos-testing apply -f ./config/testdata/chaos
kubectl -n chaos-testing apply -f ./config/testdata/source
# Set up namespace-scoped old certs for GC
kubectl -n chaos-testing apply -f ./config/testdata/gc-old-certs/test.yaml
kubectl -n tofu-system scale --replicas=1 deploy/tofu-controller
sleep 10
- name: Randomly delete runner pods
run: |
# use chaos level 3 at the moment, as we don't have much CPU resources
seq 5 | shuf | head -3 | xargs -I{} bash -c "kubectl -n chaos-testing delete pod helloworld-chaos0{}-tf-runner || true"
sleep 10
- name: Verify chaos testing result
run: |
kubectl -n chaos-testing get pods
kubectl -n chaos-testing wait terraform/helloworld-chaos01 --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m
kubectl -n chaos-testing wait terraform/helloworld-chaos02 --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m
kubectl -n chaos-testing wait terraform/helloworld-chaos03 --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m
kubectl -n chaos-testing wait terraform/helloworld-chaos04 --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m
kubectl -n chaos-testing wait terraform/helloworld-chaos05 --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m
- name: Check that all old certs were GCed
run: |
echo "wait 120 seconds for GC to happen"
sleep 120
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-0 -n chaos-testing >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-1 -n chaos-testing >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-2 -n chaos-testing >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-3 -n chaos-testing >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-4 -n chaos-testing >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-5 -n chaos-testing >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-6 -n chaos-testing >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-7 -n chaos-testing >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-8 -n chaos-testing >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-9 -n chaos-testing >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-0 -n tofu-system >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-1 -n tofu-system >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-2 -n tofu-system >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-3 -n tofu-system >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-4 -n tofu-system >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-5 -n tofu-system >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-6 -n tofu-system >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-7 -n tofu-system >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-8 -n tofu-system >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
(kubectl get secret terraform-runner.tls-9 -n tofu-system >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1 || exit 0)
echo "All tests are true, all of the old secrets were GCed."
- name: Logs
run: |
kubectl -n tofu-system logs deploy/source-controller
kubectl -n tofu-system logs deploy/tofu-controller
- name: Debug failure
if: failure()
run: |
which kubectl
kubectl version
kustomize version
kubectl -n tofu-system logs deploy/source-controller
kubectl -n tofu-system logs deploy/tofu-controller
ns=(tofu-system tf-tenant01-dev tf-tenant01-prd tf-tenant02-dev tf-tenant02-prd chaos-testing)
for n in "${ns[@]}"
kubectl -n $n get gitrepositories -oyaml
kubectl -n $n get terraforms -oyaml
kubectl -n $n get all