This repository contains the official code for the paper: "Pushing Mixture of Experts to the Limit: Extremely Parameter Efficient MoE for Instruction Tuning."
The codebase is built on T5X, which defines the model and training loop; Flaxformer, which defines the model computation; Flax, which defines the low level model layers; and Jax, which provides the execution
# CLONE repo
git clone
# COPY to TPUs
gcloud alpha compute tpus tpu-vm scp --recurse parameter-efficient-moe <TPU_NAME>:parameter-efficient-moe --zone <TPU_ZONES> --worker=all
# RUN on TPUs
bash scripts/
The dataset that is used for training and evaluation should be cached using SeqIO. We used bigscience/P3 dataset which is already prepared. For the dataset preparation, we refer bigscience/t-zero repository.
Here is the code layout:
:: contains configs for the architecture of the each models including T0, IA3, LoRA, MoV, MoLoRa using gin style configuration.scripts/
:: contains all the training and evaluation files for full fine-tuning, vanilla parameter-efficient fine-tuning, and their mixture counterpart fine-tuning.src/
:: contains IA3, LoRA, MoV and MoLoRa computations, including the router they use.
gcloud alpha compute tpus tpu-vm ssh <TPU_NAME> --zone <TPU_ZONES> --worker=all --command "cd parameter-efficient-moe; bash scripts/"
# moe/scripts/
MODEL_DIR=${1:-${MODEL_DIR}} # Model dir to save logs, ckpts, etc. in "gs://model_dir" format.
T5X_DIR="`python3 -m scripts.find_module t5x`/.." # directory where the T5X repo is cloned.
FLAXFORMER_DIR="`python3 -m scripts.find_module flaxformer`/.." # directory where the Flaxformer repo is cloned.
echo "Searching for gin configs in:"
echo "- ${T5X_DIR}"
echo "- ${FLAXFORMER_DIR}"
echo "============================="
CACHE_DIR="raw_tfrecords/you_cache_dir" # Directory where P3 cached data is stored, etc. in "gs://model_dir" format.
python3 -m t5x.train \
--gin_search_paths="${T5X_DIR}" \
--gin_file="configs/t5/models/t5_1_1_large.gin" \ #e.g. 770M(t5-large) model
--gin_file="configs/mov.gin" \ # Use MoV as the architecture for PEFT
--gin.MODEL_DIR="'${MODEL_DIR}'" \
--gin.MIXTURE_OR_TASK_NAME="'t0_train'" \ # Training subset
--gin.TASK_FEATURE_LENGTHS="{'inputs': 1024, 'targets': 256}" \
--gin.TRAIN_STEPS="1_600_000" \ # Pre-trained + number of steps
--gin.USE_CACHED_TASKS="True" \
--gin.PACKING="True" \
--seqio_additional_cache_dirs=${CACHE_DIR} \
# moe/scripts/
CKPT_DIR=${1:-${CKPT_DIR}} # directory where the fine-tune model is stored
EVAL_DIR=${2:-${EVAL_DIR}} # directory to write eval output
T5X_DIR="`python3 -m scripts.find_module t5x`/.." #directory where the t5x is cloned
FLAXFORMER_DIR="`python3 -m scripts.find_module flaxformer`/.." #directory where the flaxformer is cloned
echo "Searching for gin configs in:"
echo "- ${T5X_DIR}"
echo "- ${FLAXFORMER_DIR}"
echo "============================="
CACHE_DIR="raw_tfrecords/you_cache_dir" # directory where P3 cached data is stored, etc. in "gs://model_dir" format.
python3 -m t5x.eval \
--gin_search_paths="${T5X_DIR}" \
--gin_file="configs/t5/models/t5_1_1_large.gin" \
--gin_file="configs/mov_eval.gin" \ # Use MoV as the architecture for PEFT
--gin.MIXTURE_OR_TASK_NAME="'t0_eval_score_eval'" \ # Evaluation subset
--gin.TASK_FEATURE_LENGTHS="{'inputs': 1024, 'targets': 256}" \
--seqio_additional_cache_dirs=${CACHE_DIR} \
--gin.utils.DatasetConfig.use_cached="True" \
--gin.utils.DatasetConfig.split="'validation'" \
Our IA3 module implementation is the based on prompt-tuning, and we used bigscience/t-zero for implementation of the dataset.
Please use the following bibtex entry to cite our work.
url = {}
title={Pushing Mixture of Experts to the Limit: Extremely Parameter Efficient MoE for Instruction Tuning},
author={Ted Zadouri and Ahmet Üstün and Arash Ahmadian and Beyza Ermiş and Acyr Locatelli and Sara Hooker},