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A JS module for shuffling strings and other helper methods like alphabet generation


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A JS module for shuffling strings and other helper methods like alphabet generation

A quick reference

import * as shuffle from "string-shuffle";

console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("Hello World")); // dlH ooWler

console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("Hello World")); // rdlloH loWe

console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("Quick rown fox jumps over lazy dog")); // jvyilco owfxud nz  apuo rs rkeoQgm
console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("Quick rown fox jumps over lazy dog")); // jcf ro Qowkna goomvyxd puz er iusl

console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("")); // ecot@shmt.efs2l3fu1
console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("")); // hsms3e@.2t1lcfotufe

Other ways

import { shuffleString } from "string-shuffle";

console.log(shuffleString("Hello World")); // lHlWero odl
console.log(shuffleString("someRandomString")); // irdosaRenSomntgm
console.log(shuffleString("1234IsAnAmazingString@#$%^&*()")); // m41n(I&aA@Sn^i3%)sgzgi#2*rn$At

console.log(shuffleString("Hello World")); // lH oWlolrde
console.log(shuffleString("someRandomString")); // nitRsgoaSmrdeomn
console.log(shuffleString("1234IsAnAmazingString@#$%^&*()")); // t3nAnr@4Ii&n12gAgsa%m*(i$Sz)#^

Other included modules include

Module Functionality
alphabets A method that contains all the lowercase,uppercase, numbers and symbols array
lowerCaseLetters List of all the Capital letters of the alphabet
capitalize A method to make the first letter of a word or statement to uppercase and retain others if they are not lowercase
upperCaseLetters List of all the lowercase letters of the alphabet
numbers List of numbers from 0-9
symbols Sample list of symbols
generateRandomString A method that generates a random strigg based on the number you pass as an argument
generateShuffledPassword Generates random paswords with combination of caps,lowercase,uppercase,numbers and symbols then shuffles the password to achieve randomness
generateUnshuffledPassword Generates the normal concatenated cobinaton of characters
shuffleString A method that shuffles the string you pass to it as an argument

alphabets module

import { alphabets } from "string-shuffle";

const { alphabet, lowerCaseLetters, numbers, symbols, upperCaseLetters } =

console.log(alphabet.join("")); //ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!"#$%&'()*+,-./

console.log(lowerCaseLetters.join("")); //abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

console.log(numbers.join("")); //0123456789

Still the modules can be imported from the main package

- import { alphabets } from "string-shuffle";
+ import {lowerCaseLetters,numbers,symbols,upperCaseLetters} from "string-shuffle";

- const { alphabet, lowerCaseLetters, numbers, symbols, upperCaseLetters } = alphabets();

- console.log(alphabet.join("")); //ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!"#$%&'()*+,-./

console.log(lowerCaseLetters.join("")); //abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

console.log(numbers.join("")); //0123456789

capitalize module

import { capitalize } from "string-shuffle";

console.log(capitalize("hello world")); // Hello world

console.log(capitalize("tetris")); // Tetris

console.log(capitalize("my name is a test name")); // My name is a test name

console.log(capitalize("A")); // A

console.log(capitalize("ABC")); // ABC

console.log(capitalize("123")); // 123

generateRandomString module

By default it shuffles the string

import { generateRandomString } from "string-shuffle";

console.log(generateRandomString(5)); // ye!o

console.log(generateRandomString(10)); // #m)tX&Kza8

console.log(generateRandomString(15)); // eTQa1ts$pA8*nwI

console.log(generateRandomString(20)); // Fryo*JEn1i&2Dp7rgqFK

console.log(generateRandomString(30)); // 8+Zs4,XaodpQxHMp,xUw8if0dy)TF+

generateUnshuffledPassword module

Disclaimer: Use this at your own risk. It's here for mock apps or just simple programs so be careful on the usage

import { generateUnshuffledPassword } from "string-shuffle";

console.log(generateUnshuffledPassword({})); // ey99
console.log(generateUnshuffledPassword({ lower: 1, upper: 2, num: 3, symb: 4 })); // pRI.##*369

console.log(generateUnshuffledPassword({ lower: 2, upper: 2, num: 2, symb: 2 })); // jmKE"+89

console.log(generateUnshuffledPassword({ lower: 4, upper: 4, num: 4, symb: 4 })); // gilwLEJW#/,%6959

console.log(generateUnshuffledPassword({ lower: 5, upper: 5, num: 5, symb: 5 })); // rkujyDFOUS%,.)'71677

generateShuffledPassword module

import { generateShuffledPassword, shuffleString } from "string-shuffle";

console.log(generateShuffledPassword(shuffleString)({})); // 3n3r

console.log(generateShuffledPassword(shuffleString)({ lower: 1, upper: 2, num: 3, symb: 4 })); // o9/B3*M&3*

console.log(generateShuffledPassword(shuffleString)({ lower: 2, upper: 2, num: 2, symb: 2 })); // O5g!8A/c

console.log(generateShuffledPassword(shuffleString)({ lower: 4, upper: 4, num: 4, symb: 4 })); // 3p!rP.YI*90z*n7Z

console.log(generateShuffledPassword(shuffleString)({ lower: 5, upper: 5, num: 5, symb: 5 })); // zS7&6*oKk7Wx)Nl'N18.