This plugin bind Events in Redmine with Actions in Playlyfe game (N:M). And Users in Redmine with Players in Playlyfe game (N:1).
You have to setup a client at PlaylyfeClient which can access API (only paid plans) from your backend. Client should have ‘Client Credential Flow’ , all checks at config page should be on YES and should have all scopes with RW access.
To install the plugin, execute the following commands from the root of your Redmine directory:
cd plugins git clone bundle install --without development test #for production use rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
After the plugin is installed you will need to restart Redmine for the plugin to be available. Then go to “Administration” > “Plugins” > “Plugin for gamification using Playlyfe service” : “Configure”. There you have to set client credentials to Your game at
In configuration page (see top menu), you can setup these bindings:
what actions is triggered when event occurs
on behalf which player do selected user actions
And you can play actions directly (only for admins).