NetLua is a completely managed interpreter for the Lua dynamic language. It was inspired by (and the LuaObject class is loosely based on) AluminumLua by Alexander Corrado. Check his project out at
I started this project because I needed a managed Lua interpreter and AluminumLua had a few bugs and caveats that were difficult to solve because of its structure. I so decided to do my own attempt at it.
As of now, the parsing is made using Irony, but any LALR parser can be used to build the internal AST interpreted by NetLua. Irony looks a bit slow, but it is the easiest solution for a neat C# LALR Parser.
Lua lua = new Lua();
lua.DoString("a={4, b=6, [7]=10}"); // Interpreting Lua
var a = lua.Context.Get("a"); // Accessing Lua from C#
var a_b = a["b"].AsNumber();
double number = a[7]; // Automatic type coercion
static LuaArguments print(LuaArguments args)
string[] strings = Array.ConvertAll<LuaObject, string>(args, x => x.ToString()); // LuaArguments can be used as a LuaObject array
Console.WriteLine(String.Join("\t", strings));
return Lua.Return(); // You can use the Lua.Return helper function to return values
Lua lua = new Lua();
lua.Context.SetGlobal("print", (LuaFunction)print);
dynamic lua = new Lua();
dynamic luaVariable = lua.var; // Lua.DynamicContext provides a dynamic version of Lua.Context
double a = luaVariable.numberValue; // Automatic type casting
double d = luaVariable.someFunc(a); // Automatic function arguments and result boxing / unboxing
lua.x = 5;