Tired of having to type this janky command to ssh and cd into unfamiliar remote servers?
ssh -t user@fraction.io "cd /foo/bar; exec \$SHELL --login"
Stop it. Connect with SSH and cd (change directory) with one command.
sshcd user@fraction.io:/foo/bar
Use Homebrew to download and install the executable.
brew tap fraction/homebrew-formulae
brew install sshcd
Add the executable into your path and give it permissions.
sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/sshcd http://git.io/wfAXEQ
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sshcd
The default usage is pretty simple.
sshcd user@fraction.io:/foo/bar
The tool supports prepended flags, too!
sshcd -v user@fraction.io:/foo/bar
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Fork the project, commit your changes, and open a pull request.