I have changed most part of code, this README could be out-of-date. I'm working for revising it.
The virtual SFC device plugin is a DaemonSet of the Kubernetes Cluster. Provide a TX/RX-like queue for every pod so that client can use DMA send or receive under less memory copy consumption. Bazel supports the whole project for easy compiling, using, and deploying.
- gcc9 (or later)
- OpenOnload (v7.1.2.141)
- Linux_x86_64
- bazel (4.0.0)
The device plugin supports the HugePageTLB mode that is more efficient than tradional memory visiting by hugetblfs, so we can permit the local host providing hugepages.
echo "vm.nr_hugepages = 1024" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p
cat /proc/meminfo |grep -i hugepage # you can see then hugepage status
echo "hugetlbfs /mnt/hugepages gid=0,uid=0 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
mount -a
Please make sure that you have already installed the solarflare nic driver.
The device plugin is supported by v1beta-k8s-deviceplugin that is a local vendor with go mod for some reasons. The version of it is v0.19.7, you can also change it by using a script.
cd plugin && ./download_deps.sh vx.xx.x
go mod tidy
go mod vendor # but only retain plugin/vendor/k8s.io
bazel run //:gazelle # in the project root path
For applying this plugin, make sure you are under similar environment and the first step is to build a local network driver of solarflare(sfc_char).
contrib/onload/scripts/onload_build --kernel
Then install the new sfc_char.ko we built. The following command will overwrite the previous sfc_char.ko.
cp -f contrib/onload/build/$(uname -m)_$(uname -s |tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')-$(uname -r)/driver/linux/sfc_char.ko \
/usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra
rmmod sfc_char
modprobe sfc_char
Until now, we have changed the kernel drive and need to build the device plugin tarball and import it by docker. You can also push the image tarball to the registry (@see //plugin:publish_image).
bazel build //plugin:vsfc_plugin_img
docker import bazel-bin/plugin/vsfc_plugin_img-layer.tar
Finally, apply the Daemonset and alloc a new vsfc-nic resource in pod yaml.
kubectl apply -f deploy/vsfc-cdp.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pod
- name: pod_name
image: image_tar
command: ["..."]
args: ["..."]
highfortfunds.com/vsfc: 1
If you want to build whole project, please use
bazel build //...
If you want to use in the container let your CPP project include the cc_library
that was packeted and exported in Bazel. You can import @sfc-virtual-device-plugin//include:local_efvi_socket
and compile in your own project. Also you can customize your own client library for different languages.
The project is personal, specific and ...(May be it has some mistakes). If you have some problems, please contact to me by mail (frcc.fncme@gmail.com) and I will be glad to talk with you.