A DE made with python3/tk. Just for fun. Actual state: no more developed.
THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY. Anyone can use and modified it for any purpose.
Tk-Desktop V. 08-27-2019 B
Required: Python3/Tkinter - Pyinotify - (the included TkinterDnD2).
The desktop starts as a window, but it has the code tu run it as a desktop (background application): just comment and decomment the right lines at the bottom of the file tkdesktop.py. Tkdesktop manages all the events but doesn't change nothing by itself, exept its config file: icon can be placed everywhere (except the recycle bin, its position is fixed and reserved), an icon appears if a new file or folder is created in the DATA sample folder and the item disappears if the related file or folder is deleted. The position of each item is momorized in a file. The drag and drop is supported with limitations. The image used as background must be a gif image.
Tk-Panel v. 09-10-2019 A
Required: Python3/Tkinter - wmctrl - the python3 xdg module - the python3 Xlib module.
The panel implements almost everything: a menu, a virtual desktops switcher, a button to minimize/restore all the windows, a window list, the systray. The image is self-explaining (no systray in the image). The menu is full working and can launch applications. There are the clock on the right and the character "H" on the left of the panel: this program can manage custom scrips (in the user_modules folder, the left_frame.py has been disabled (it does nothing except showing the H character)). The bar is positioned at the bottom of the screen (only one monitor is supported).