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Os_tkmonitor by frank38
A simple system monitor in Python3/Tkinter.
This program is written using Python3 and Tkinter. The only external additional module required is psutil.
This program shows some infos about the PC. Among them, about CPU and GPU. About the GPU: at the moment only the Nvidia GPUs are supported (because I own one), but other vendors can be added easily: empty module are provided.
How to use: just type in the terminal 'python3' or double click on it. In this case, no GPU infos are shown. To get them, type 'python3 1 nvidia (or nouveau or amdpro or radeon or intel)' where 1 is the update interval of the cpu infos, and can be any integer number.
The tab CPU shows some infos about the cpu: usage, frequencies and temperature per physical core.
The width and height of the level widgets per cpu core can be customized by changing some parameters in the beginning of the file
Please, whatch the pictures for a better explanation.