This repository contains the code for the experiments in the paper "Task-Driven Knowledge Graph Filtering Improves Prioritizing Drugs for Repurposing" (DOI: 10.21203/
We have made extensive use of the LibKGE framework. To make sure that we measure only the performance in our task during performance evaluation, we have added a Job that is specific to the experiments in the paper. It scores all possible relations between compounds and diseases and nothing else.
Go to and follow their installation instructions. Required is version 0.1, which is the most recent version at the time of writing this.
Place the files in this repo's job
dir (, MyFile.yaml) in the libkge directory kge/kge/job/
. Add the line
from kge.job.MyFile import MyJob
to the libkge file kge/kge/job/
you can now import the job MyJob in your libkge config files using import: [MyFile]
and use the following lines in your config file:
type: MyJob
However, this won't work yet because it needs the evaluator class that handles the actual Compound vs Disease evaluations.
Place the module in your kge/
repository so it can be used by the respective evaluation jobs plugins.
To reproduce the results in the paper with the exact same splits, you can use the ground truth files given in this repo. They contain the Compound x Disease adjacency matrices and make sure that all runs - especially original and modified version of datasets - use the same ground truth to evaluate on, since one of them obviously contains more edges than the other. Place these directories (the whole directories (truth_hetionet, thruth_drkg
), not just the contents) in the libkge directory kge/
, on the same level where you also put the evaluator script.
If you use your own dataset and/or produced new splits of Hetionet and/or DRKG, check the Usage section on how to produce you own ground truth files.
Download the datasets from 10.5281/zenodo.5638999, unzip them (i.e. using tar -xzvf data data.tar.gz
) and place the contents in kge/data/
. Note that there should not be any intermediate directories like kge/data/whatever/another/hetionet-fold1-subset-with-inverse/
but instead just kge/data/hetionet-fold1-subset-with-inverse/
to work.
To recreate the experiments detailed in the paper, just use on of our config files in the recipes/hpo/
directory. The filenames should make it pretty clear which experiment they contain. Since the HPO might be very time-consuming on single-GPU runs, you are free to use multiple GPUs using LibKGEs excellent parallelization scheme:
kge start recipes/hpo/hpo-CxD-hetionet-fold1-subset-with-inverse-complex-both.yaml --search.device_pool cuda:0,cuda:1 --search.num_workers 2
This line uses two GPUs, but you could easily extend this to as many GPUs as you like.
If you want to skip the HPO and run an experiment with the exact same hyperparameters as the ones we report in the paper, just go ahead and run a single training run, each corresponding to one of our experiments. To do this, use the configs in recipes/best/
kge start recipes/best/hetionet-fold1-subset-with-inverse-complex.yaml
This runs the displayed experiment automatically on GPU. If you want to run it on CPU, use
kge start recipes/best/hetionet-fold1-subset-with-inverse-complex.yaml --job.device cpu
Note that these single-training-run configs have been automatically generated by one of our HPOs. Thus, they will show up in you kge/local/experiments
dir with a cryptic hash instead of a human readable name. They will, however, be timestamped.
For testing we want to gather more metrics than the MRR, which is used for the hyperparameter search, and use a different holdout set.
Therefore, find the path to the folder that contains your best model's best checkpoint. If you have conducted the HPO as detailed above, you can check the kge.log
file in the HPO's main directory, which should be located somewhere in kge/local/experiments/
and start with a timestamp. At the end of this logfile you should find a line that reads something like Best trial (00027): mrr_avg_val=0.21183539548018415
, depending on which was the best trial and what was the best performance, of course. So now you know that the path you need for testing is kge/local/experiments/[your-experiment-name]/00027/
, which should contain a file
So now that you know the path to your best runs best checkpoint, just run:
python3 -p kge/local/experiments/[your-experiment-name]/00027/
without adding
. This create a results
directory in you kge
directory containing the test results for the experiment that you provided. Note that all the paths that you have to use here depend on your directory structure and might be different on your machine!
To query only individual Compounds vs all diseases or individual Diseases vs all compounds, you can use the -c
and -d
arguments, respectively.
python3 -p kge/local/experiments/[your-experiment-name]/00027/ -d [your-disease-entity]
python3 -p kge/local/experiments/[your-experiment-name]/00027/ -c [your-compound-entity]
Notice that in this case, only the metrics of one scoring direction make sense. This means that if you score one disease vs all compounds, only the metrics with the identifier [metric]_DxC_[split]
should be interpreted (since the other direction is 1 by definition). For the case of scoring one compound vs all diseases, only the metrics with the identifier [metric]_CxD_[split]
should be interpreted.
To see if your dataset can benefit from task-driven modification, check the sister repo metafilter-apply and read the instructions on how to apply metapath based filtering to your Knowledge Graph!